Character Development

Character Counts at Greenholme

The Finding Common Ground: Character Development in Ontario Schools, K-12 is a document Character example the Ministry mandate which involves a community consultation process to identify character traits that everyone can embrace to infuse Character Development into the curriculum. Future Aces Characteristics:

Respect           Co-operation    

Responsibility  Teamwork     Honesty      

                Kindness & Caring              Empathy     

Integrity      Fairness    Perseverance

The shared belief that student success is dependent on a safe, caring, inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued. In addition to academic improvement, we continue to focus on the social, physical and emotional development of our students. Much of this starts with teaching our students about the value of character – respecting themselves and each other, making positive contributions to their school and community, thinking critically and creatively. By supporting the heart and art of teaching and learning in our classrooms, hallways, and our communities, we are nurturing the joy of learning. From there, everything is possible.