Students are expected to be in attendance unless they are ill. Parents are encouraged to make appointments with doctors and dentists on Professional Activity days or during school vacations.
To report a student absence, please call 416-394-7704. Select option #1 and state:
- Who is calling.
- The child’s name.
- The teacher’s name.
- Why the student is absent
We attempt to account for every single student absence. A home or work contact will be made if we have no notification of absence. Please call us so we do not have to disturb you at your work place or home. Our school telephone has voice mail service. If it is more convenient to call and leave a message before or after school hours please feel welcome to do so. Be advised that the police may be contacted if the school cannot account for a child's absence.
8:25 Outdoor Supervision
8:40 Entry Bell
9:55-10:10 Morning Recess
11:30 - 12:20 LUNCH
1:45 - 1:55 Afternoon Recess
3:05 School Ends
To be excused from school, a student must present a note from his/her parent or guardian explaining the reason(s) for being excused. The note should be given to the homeroom teacher and shown to the secretary at the office. The student must then sign out at the office when s/he is leaving for the appointment. An adult must accompany the child.