Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to attend Horizon?

As a Toronto District School Board (TDSB) alternative elementary school, Horizon is free to attend and open to all Toronto residents – TDSB service area map. Please keep in mind that TDSB does not provide transportation to/from alternative schools as they are “out-of-area” status schools (formally known as “optional attendance”).

As we offer specialized opportunities, events, and trips, there are some costs associated with our program. However, we work closely with our parent community to achieve fundraising goals which allow us to offer support and bursaries to any and all aspects of our program that may cause financial hardship. 


How do I see the school?

Horizon holds tours for prospective families. Tours took place on the Open House night in January and are no longer available.


My child wasn’t accepted through the random selection process so now what?

Any child who wasn’t offered a spot through the random selection process will be placed on a waitlist. Families will be notified by TDSB where on the waitlist their child has been placed.


One of my children got a spot at Horizon, but what about my other child?

TDSB tries its best to keep siblings together at the same school; however, it does not guarantee sibling placement due to space limitations. Siblings will be moved up the waitlist and only receive an admissions offer if there is space available in their specific grade.


My child is on the waitlist. When will I know if they got a spot at Horizon?

The TDSB will inform your family of your child’s placement on the waitlist. If your child is in the top 10 on the waitlist they have a reasonable chance of getting in for that upcoming school year. Those students near the end of the waitlist are highly unlikely to get into Horizon for the upcoming school year.


How many spots are available?

In the past few years, we have admitted 28 Grade 7s every year. The number of spots available may vary this year as determined by the TDSB. Please check this site again for updated information.


Thank you for considering Horizon Alternative School. Sit down with your child and check out our website to get a glimpse of what we offer. It’s very important that you consider if our school is a good fit for your child as a learner and a part of a community. Of course if you have any other questions, you are always more than welcome to email us at

Interested in applying? We would love to hear from you!

While the central process allows for applications to be processed, we would love to receive an email about why you (the student) wishes to attend Horizon. This is optional; however, it provides us with insight into why students are looking at the Horizon program.