Horizon SAC Meeting
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
6 p.m.
Attendees: Vanessa Shrimpton, Nicos Fassler (co-president), Gary Miedema (co-president), Marie (co-treasurer), Kerry Clare (co-secretary), Kendall Duthie, Jenna King, Dave, Nancy Sarnoff (co-secretary)
Vanessa discussed Montreal trip and payment.
- Trip booked provided enough people pay by the 14th. It covers deposit and optional experience. Program is fixed based on 55 kids coming. If we have less than 55, would have to pay slightly more. Second payment will be due May 3.
- Total cost is close to $700 but can be reduced depending on how much school and SAC contributes. School’s contribution can be in the range of $10-$12k. Will need approval for allocation. It’ll be deducted from the total amount, along with the SAC amount. We were hoping parents would see their cost in the $450/500 ballpark.
- SAC needs to decide what to contribute, ensuring there’s enough money left over for year-end, grad, etc. Last year’s budget included $1k for grad.
- The non-board fund is so high because we it wasn’t spent during COVID.
- SAC has $7k in school cash online and $2,500 in the SAC bank account.
- Goal is to raise at least $7k at the auction. That, plus the $2,500, leaves next year’s class with almost $10k.
- We should communicate to parents that the total cost for Montreal won’t be close to $700.
- SAC will contribute the $7k in the school cash online.
- Lucy and Vanessa will figure out how the money moves out of the school cash online and advise Marie.
- With the contributions we’re looking to fund $300+ for each child, so it will be much less than the ticketed price. Vanessa will send out an announcement Monday.
- Next year we could do a direct ask, which we haven’t done this year, if funds are low at year-end.
- Refreshments will be donated by families at the auction. Drinks will be sold at the bar.
- House band will perform and if anyone else wants to it.
- We’d like to invite the incoming grade 7s. Vanessa is having trouble getting a list because of the new process of admissions.
- We have the venue from 6 till 10. We can come at 5 pm for setup.
- We’ll have a bake sale and ask parents to bring finger foods and snacks. (Tranzac is waiving their food fee so we can bring food.)
- We’ll need a float for the bake sale.
- Vanessa found a folder with auction sheets, raffle info, outlining day-of jobs, etc. that she will share with us.
- Vanessa has a historical mailing list for alumni. She will forward invites.
- Timing: 6-8:30 with auction closing and results announced at 8pm.
- In chat from Kendall: I’d love to suggest that people bring cash as well for the raffle. I was also thinking of doing 50/50 at the same time. Easy way to make more money!
- Kerry proposes motion to use up to $7k out of school cash online and up to $12k out of non-board funds to be used for the class trip. Gary seconds. All attendees vote in favour. Adopted.
- Grade 7s take a lead role so grade 8 parents can enjoy the event.
- We’ll need to find two grade seven parents who can co-chair for grad.
- Gary will take the lead on this.
Next meeting
Wednesday, May 10
6 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 7:09 p.m.