

Jesse Ketchum Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school.

To learn whether or not your dwelling resides within our school boundaries, please click on the Boundaries Map or utilize the Find Your School link to determine your home school by address.

NOTE: The Find Your School link will give you your home school for Kindergarten to Grade 6 school, Grade 7 & 8 school, and Secondary schools.

Please use the appropriate tab on the left to understand the process for your child.

Junior Kindergarten registration is only for students who are 4 or will be turning years of age by December 31st.

Children may register to attend school in September of the year in which they turn four years (Junior Kindergarten) or five years (Senior Kindergarten). Students turning four years old after school has started in September, and up to December of that calendar year, are eligible to attend school in that academic year.

e.g. Child's birthdate is December 31st, 2015. They are eligible to begin school in September 2019.