Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School is committed to keeping every student safe. There are a number of students who attend our school who suffer from life-threatening allergies, but most to peanut and/or nut related products.

If you are a parent of an anaphylactic child, please come into the office to complete the necessary medical paperwork and provide the school with an auto-injector (epi-pen).
It is important that all children feel safe coming to school, and we ask the co-operation of the school community in this matter. We ask that you do not send in products that contain nuts, especially into the lunchroom and/or a classroom where there may be a student that can have an anaphylactic reaction. Other things that may assist in the prevention of a reaction is to have your children wash their hands and teeth if consuming peanuts/nuts before coming to school, bringing in other items like, pencils or stickers, instead of food to celebrate birthdays, teach your children to read labels at the grocery store, talk to your children about avoiding sharing food, and refraining from teasing or bullying a student with a food allergy. Our student body is respectful and supportive of one another, and they should be commended for their efforts in this area.
It is important that these procedures and policies be followed at all times.