


Hello Manhattan Park Families,

As we head into March, I want to thank all families, staff and students for making Manhattan Park a great place to learn and work. Thank you Ms. Skrivanos for coaching the Girls' Volleyball Team, organizing the Tournament, and leading the Blue Spruce Reading Club! Thank you to Ms. Wojtowicz for leading the Chess Club, and Ms. Shorey for the LEGO club! Here are some pictures of what has been happening at Manhattan Park:

handhan pans


marlies   ball

Students & Staff enjoying Marlies Game!                   MP Ball Hockey Team at Tournament!


Throughout January, the TDSB surveyed families about their interest in a fee-based before- and after-school program (BASP) at Manhattan Park. Based on this year’s survey responses, there wasn’t enough interest to develop a new before- and after-school program at our school for September 2025. For more information about before- and after-school programs available in the community, you can visit the City of Toronto’s Child Care Services website or call 311. Families who have questions may contact the TDSB Child Care Services Office at 416-394-7965 or by email at

A warm thank you again to our Parent Council for the ongoing work in helping to build positive home-school connections through supporting various fundraising events. Please visit the School Council tab for more information on our upcoming Movie Night on March 7 at 5:00 pm. On the same night, the school will also have a Manhattan Thrift Store. Thank you Ms. Shorey and students in the Manhattan Thrift Group for organizing!


The Toronto District School Board is proud to recognize Greek Heritage Month (GHM) during March. It is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Greek Canadians to Canada, and an occasion to mark and enjoy the history of Greek culture.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025, marks the first week of Ramadan - one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims worldwide abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset for 29 or 30 consecutive days--as determined by the lunar calendar. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims break their fast each evening with a communal dinner called an iftar. During Ramadan, Muslims make every effort to recite the Quran, perform extra prayers, engage in charity, and perform good deeds to reach a higher level of spirituality. Once the month is over, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast with family and friends, wearing special clothes and sharing gifts for up to three days.

Due to our very small parking lot, we are asking families to refrain from parking in the lot as spaces need to be left for staff who work in the building. Drop-off and pick-up can happen safely on Manhattan Drive if older students enter/exit vehicles on the curbside (not streetside). If you wish to walk younger students to the school, please park your vehicles on Manhattan Drive. As temperatures fluctuate, please be careful of icy patches. Our caretaking staff have designated walkways to salt/clear and the City does as well. Thank you for your patience as both work collaboratively.

Warmest Regards,

Ms. Lin 


Please visit the School Council Page or tab often to learn about various home-school partnerships and how you can support your child(ren) and family throughout the year. Please also read Trustee Shan's Webpage which contains his monthly newsletters here: