About Us


Overview of Mountview Alternative School:

1. A small school with a community of classrooms
2. Developing compassionate, collaborative critical thinkers
3. A focus on developing self-directed, independent learners
4. Cross-Curricular, project-based learning
Please click on this Google Site link to learn more about our school.

Before and After School Program

 Mountview is pleased to work in partnership with Macaulay Child Development Centre to offer Before and After School Programs.  Macaulay is a non- profit organization established in 1932 and are a multi service agency, offering various services such as: Licensed childcare centres; Early-On programs; Parent education and support; Speech and language services etc.


Licensed Before and After School Program for kindergarten  and school age children, ages 4 - 12 years

Research‐based programs that promote children’s development in cognitive, physical, social, communication and emotional areas

Nutritious snacks are provided daily

Qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators

Hours of Operation:  Monday-Friday, from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm

- Full day programs for PA Days, March Break,  Winter Break and Summer Break available

- To register, please visit www.macaulaycentre.org  and fill out a Parent Inquiry Form or call  (416) 780-2720 for all other inquiries

How To Apply

Online Application Process

The TDSB has a wide range of elementary alternative schools available to students. The application process is managed centrally and includes an online application form. Information about the process is available on the Alternative Schools website

The online application for admission for September 2024 will be open from Monday, January 8, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. 

Elementary alternative schools will hold information sessions and/or open houses for students and parents/guardians/caregivers in December 2023 and January 2024. More information is available on the Elementary School Open Houses and Information Nights web page.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please get in touch with Mountview by emailing, Patricia Tovar at patricia.tovarromero@tdsb.on.ca

2023-2024 Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities 2023-2024

Winter Clubs Update

Monday: Choir (every 2 weeks)-Amy

Tuesday:  Book Club with Sarah in the library

Wednesday: Alternating Eco-Club with Cayla, Social Justice with Erika

Thursday: Young Women on the Move-Erika and nook club with Sarah

Friday:  Dance Club-with Runnymede Dance Clue & Clare (First week of Feb)

Daily: Little Leaders Club (Daily) -Monthly Meetings-Amy

Track with Cayla (in the spring)

Mountview Alternative School (GR. JK-08)

Building Community Together
Mountview Alternative is a K-8 school who shares space with Runnymede Collegiate Institute and Humbercrest Nursery School. The school has approximately 100 students.
Mountview is a community of five classrooms. The small community fosters deep, meaningful relationships. Here, the aim is for each student to share their unique abilities and perspectives with one another. For our collaborative staff, this close setting allows us to gain multiple perspectives on the strengths and needs of each student.
We are committed to fostering a true joy of learning through creative, responsive and ongoing collaboration with all students, staff, parents and wider community members.    
Read More about Mountview Alternative School
Phone:(416) 393-9037
Address:569 Jane St, York, ON, M6S 4A3
Principal:Albert Cho
Vice-Principal(s):Miriam Zachariah
Office Staff:Patricia Tovar Romero
School Council Chair(s):Andria Bianchi
Anna La
Superintendent:Erin Altosaar
Learning Network:LN20
Trustee:Debbie King
Ward:Ward 7