Post Secondary Information


 Deciding what to study or do in the future can be a stressful process. Your counsellors are here to help with next steps, or answer any questions you may have.

Join our Guidance Google Classroom for GRADUATES to receive up-to-date information throughout the school year about visits, scholarships, deadlines, timelines and other important information:  sqfwqcm

For Apprenticeship programs and information, please visit

For College programs, application process, and information, please visit

For University programs and  information, please visit  and/or to learn about the application process.

Have a specific question about your post secondary studies?  Make an appointment with a guidance counsellor, we will be happy to help you out!



We offer all kinds of tools and resources to help you make your decision as to what to do, and also how to finance it. Scholarships and bursaries are a huge resource to help you no matter what career pathway you decide to do. Scholarships and bursaries are FREE money that you do NOT have to repay that can be used to help lower the cost of any future education.  Some scholarship websites include:

Scholarships Canada

Scholar Tree


Another great resource is OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Plan) which is a government loan that will LEND you money while you study and doesn’t charge interest while you are studying.

For more information on scholarships, bursaries, OSAP and more click The Pearson Scholarship Site that will take you to the Financial Aid Office of every Ontario College and University as well as OSAP links, and scholarship links. Also, come on in and make an appointment and your Counsellor is there to help you in anything you may be looking for.