
Literacy is … the ability to use language and images in rich and varied forms to read, write, listen, speak, view, represent, discuss and think critically about ideas. Literacy enables us to share information and to interact with others. Literacy is an essential tool for personal growth and active participation in a democratic society. 

Literacy involves the capacity to: 

  • access, manage, create and evaluate information 
  • think imaginatively and analytically 
  • communicate thoughts and ideas effectively 
  • apply metacognitive knowledge and skills 
  • develop a sense of self-efficacy and an interest in life-long learning 

The development of literacy is a complex process that involves building on prior knowledge, culture and experiences in order to instill new knowledge and deepen understanding. (Taken from Paying Attention to Literacy K-12).  The Literacy Initiative at Lester B. Pearson C.I. is a combined effort by The Literacy Committee and teachers. The idea is all teachers in the building are employing strategies to ensure their students acquire literacy skills within their disciplines. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT - March 31, 2020) is an assessment the Ontario government administers to ensure literacy levels are being met. This test is also used at many levels as a research tool to improve literacy in schools. 


Literacy Initiatives

Grade 9: Our Grade 9 students are being introduced to the SEEC method of paragraph writing (Statement, Example, Explanation, Conclusion). This allows all students to write paragraphs consistently across different disciplines in the school. 

Grade 10: Our Grade 10 students are given a workshop before the OSSLT to share important information about the test. We also include a section on how to answer the Short Answer Questions on the test.

Grade 11: Our Grade 11 students all attend a Citations Lesson. This practical workshop ensures that they know the correct methods of citing when writing research papers. 

Grade 12: Our Grade 12 students all attend an Introduction to Research Databases Workshop. This lesson ensures that our Grade 12s are going beyond Google and prepares them for the demands of post-secondary research tasks. 

Mock test: Our Grade 9 and 10 students all write a shortened Mock Test in November. The results are used to inform the Literacy Committee about how to help students who need extra literacy support. This ranges from the Individual Help Day to connecting with Guidance to ensure students and parents are aware of the Literacy courses offered.

Individual Help Day: The results from the Mock Test allow us to identify which of our Grade 10 students need extra help. This day is designed to help those students in small group settings on some of the harder tasks on the OSSLT. 

Staff PD: This year, Pearson staff is focusing on the infographic text (a reading that combines text and graphics). Infographics are becoming increasingly prevalent and can be difficult to interpret: these PDs will give teachers strategies on using them in the classroom.  

Grade 10 ELS Course:This English Literacy Skills course emphasizes essential literacy skills. It is a perfect course for students who need extra literacy assistance. 

Grade 12 OLC Course: This course is for students who have been unsuccessful on the OSSLT. Their OLC credit replaces the OSSLT requirement for graduation.

After-school Literacy Classes: These courses focus on the individual literacy tasks from the OSSLT. Grade 9 classes run on Thursdays and Grade 10 classes run on Tuesdays. Attendance is mandatory and the courses are free.