We Build Positive School Culture by:
- Reviewing the School Code of Conduct
- Character Education and Recognition assemblies and in-class activities
- Teaching and modelling specific expectations and behaviours
We are very proud of our Code of Conduct created with students in 2019-2020.
- respect the diversity of all staff and students
- respect all school property, personal property, the belongings and personal space of other
- take responsibility for our actions and words
- show empathy by being aware of the impact of our actions and words on others
Kindness and Caring
- are friendly, considerate and ready to help others
- listen to others and are considerate of their ideas when working together
- treat everyone fairly based on their needs, give them a chance to participate and feel included
- always tell the truth even when it is difficult
- work together by offering our ideas and taking turns
- do the right thing even when no one is watching
- come to school everyday, ready to learn and always prepared to do our best and never give up
Progressive Discipline at Secord
Classroom Level
- Classroom consequences for inappropriate behaviour (e.g., warnings, think sheet, trying again, chance to fix the behaviour (apologize, clean up mess, etc.), separation from group, detention, loss of privilege, etc. )
- Communicate with parents (parental input/team approach)
- Behaviour contract for ongoing issues
- Referral to office
Administrator Level
- Administrator speaks to student and states expectations for behaviour
- Think sheet completed by student and sent home to be signed by parent and returned
- Office detention
- Behaviour contract
- Call parent and review code of conduct with student and parent
- Meeting with parent, teacher and student (if necessary)
- Behaviour support meeting with teacher, support staff, administration
- Family referral for outside support (e.g., social work, psychology, pediatrician, community agencies)
- Suspension
- Possible referral for expulsion hearing