Business and Computers

Business Studies and Computer Science

Business is booming!

The business sector, the central pillar of Canada’s economy, is bursting with opportunities. Scarlett Entrepreneurial Academy is your passport to these opportunities. Our business department offers a wide range of business courses to meet the diverse needs of all our students. Our business studies program will build a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as management, international business, marketing, accounting, information and communication technology, or entrepreneurship.

Our program also provides practical life skills for those students who are not planning a career in business. Students will be able to apply what they learn in other subject areas to their study of business, as well as to transfer the knowledge and skills they acquire in business studies to their work in other areas.

The business studies program provides rich opportunities for relevant, real-world learning experiences.

Our department offers courses in:

  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • Business Leadership

Our staff includes teachers who have had many years of experience working in the world of Finance, Banking and Marketing. They bring a wealth of real-world experience to their teaching practice.

Spring Carnival 2015

On Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 SHEA hosted its annual Spring Carnival Venture Day.  Students showcased their business talent by selling various handmade products, services and games.  Grade 9 and 11 students completed this annual venture program with mentorship from the Etobicoke Rotary Club.  This mentorship program is all about sparking students’ business curiosity, intelligence and passion to seize an opportunity to take their ideas to market – and discover just what they can do!

Our model is based on the School Group Mentoring Structure.  School group mentoring involves adult business mentor who are working in the community forming a relationship with a group of up to four young people over the period of three months.

Our Mentorship program goals for this semester were:

·        - Enhance critical and creative thinking

·       - Cultivate the spirit of adventure and enterprise, risk and reward

·       - Develop self confidence in developing and communicating ideas

·        - Experience collaboration and team work

·        - Develop project and time management skills

·        - Develop leadership and collaborative skills (ability to lead a team and work within a team)


Scarlett is pleased to offer students the Specialist High Skills Major - Business and Entrepreneurship Program:
SHSM is a Ontario Ministry approved pilot programs. Every SHSM must include the following five components, which are outlined in detail in ministry-approved frameworks developed for each area of specialization. Graduating students earn the prized RED SEAL upon graduating from the SHSM program.

1. a bundle of 9 Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits that includes:

  • i)    4 business major credits that provide sector-specific knowledge and skills;
  • ii)   3 other required credits from the Ontario curriculum, in English and mathematics. In these courses,
  •       some expectations are met through learning activities contextualized to the business sector;
  • iii)  2 cooperative education credits that provide authentic learning experiences in a workplace setting,
          enabling students to refine, extend, apply, and practise sector-specific knowledge and skills

2.  6 sector-recognized certifications and/or training courses/programs (4 compulsory and a choice of 2
     electives from a list of additional certifications and training courses/programs)
3.  experiential learning and career exploration activities within the sector
4.  “reach ahead” experiences connected with the student’s postsecondary pathway
5.  development of Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector, and use of the Ontario Skills Passport
     (OSP) for purposes of documentation.

Stay connected with Computer Studies!

Computer studies is above keeping pace with the future. It is one the fastest growing job markets. Computers touch almost every aspect of our lives: health and medicine, entertainment, law, sports, business, etc. Computer Studies is an ideal discipline for students who have broad interests, because it can be applied to so many other fields.

Our Computer Studies department offers exciting course for all students because it incorporates a broad range of transferable problem-solving skills and techniques, including logical thinking, creative design, synthesis, and evaluation. It also teaches generically useful skills in such areas as communication, time management, organization, and teamwork. Students live in a technologically rich world, and computer studies will provide them with the knowledge and skills to understand the underpinnings of current computer technology and prepare them for emerging technologies.

At Scarlett we have recently acquired 3-D printer technology.  By bringing 3D printing into our classrooms we exposes our students to the same cutting-edge technologies they’ll encounter in their careers. It gives our students a jump-start on tomorrow’s challenges.
 3 D printer