School Council

School Council

2022-2023 School Council Elections information as follows:

William G. Davis JPS School Council By-Laws

School Councils are legislated bodies, governed by Regulation 612 of the Ontario Education Act. School Council and all of those who attend School Council meetings and activities shall adhere to these regulations, as well as the policies and the procedures of the Toronto District School Board, including but not limited to P031 – Human Rights Policy, P037 – Equity Policy, P034 – Workplace Harassment, Prevention for Non-Human Rights Code Harassment Policy, P051 – Caring and Safe Schools Policy and PR585 – Board Code of Conduct. 

Indigenous Peoples are self-determining nations with distinct and inherent rights and laws. These inherent rights and laws govern the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and institutions will be guided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The School Council will work to dismantle TDSB’s colonial structures, practices, and impacts of colonization by actively engaging in alliance with Indigenous Elders, students, parents/guardians/caregivers, and the community in developing a governance model that honors Indigenous knowledge, sovereignty, and self-determination as per PO23-Parent/Caregiver Engagement Policy.
It is recognized and acknowledged that many members of the TDSB community continue to experience exclusion and marginalization, including racism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, ableism, sexism, transphobia & cissexism (discrimination and prejudice based on gender identity), homophobia, and other forms of marginalization and prejudice. TDSB recognizes that sustained measures, both proactive and reactive, are required to eradicate discrimination and to ensure that all members of the TDSB community are included, welcomed and feel valued in all TDSB environments. (as per P031 - Human Rights Policy). 
The School Council shall:
• create, maintain and contribute to a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the rights and the dignity of each person;
• identify, confront and eliminate barriers to engagement and participation;
• examine biases and reflect on the impact that power and privilege have on parents/caregivers and their engagement;
• support individuals who are, or have been, targets of discrimination and harassment;
• work to prevent discrimination and harassment;
take all allegations of discrimination and harassment seriously and respond promptly by reporting them to the Principal.

Congratulations to the following William G. Davis Parent Council Executive Members:





The DAVIS Committee (Diversity, Anti-Racism, Validation, Inclusivity and Safe Space for ALL)  

Check out our Parent Library in the main foyer.  Feel free to sign out one of our many books ranging in topics from Anti-Racism to Science and the changing world us.

We meet once a month for 2 hours to discuss fundraising and activities to support the school.   Child care is provided in the school library. 

Most of the hard work is done outside the council meetings but they are a good chance to brainstorm and share ideas.  

We can always use help from people with good ideas or experience they can share.   All are welcome!

You can stay in touch with the School Council via:

