EQAO Information

EQAO Parent Information

The EQAO  Assessment provides a picture of what your child has learned in reading, writing and mathematics up to and including Grade 6.  It also measures how the skills and knowledge acquired by Grade 3 and 6 students across the province compare with the expectations on the Ontario Curriculum.  The Ministry of Education has established Level 3 as the provincial standard. Overall results for our school, The Toronto District School Board, and for the province are included in the student's Individual Report.


Please take the time to review your child’s results carefully. The information provided in this report gives feedback about your child’s progress in the areas assessed and helps to inform teaching approaches and strategies moving forward.  It is important to remember; however, that this assessment is just part of the picture of your child’s ongoing achievement and progress. 



Also available  in the ‘Parent Resources’ section of the EQAO website is an online publication, A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Your Child’s Results: Using EQAO Information to Improve Student Learning. This guide will provide parents with a clearer picture of what an EQAO level designation means in terms of your child’s performance on these assessments.


As a school we will be using this data to inform our Achievement Goals and Focus of the school year.