Code of Behaviour

Code of Behaviour

The Balmy Beach Code of Behaviour is a guideline for all students at our school. It is intended to guide behaviour on the way to school, here at school and on the way home from school. As well as providing a safe and secure environment, we want to create a climate that is welcoming and that provides for the involvement of all members of the school community: students, staff, parents and guardians.

  • We use acceptable language all times. This means no name-calling, put downs, swearing, rumours or teasing. We respect and follow directions from all school staff.
  • We do everything we can to make everyone at Balmy feel welcome, happy and safe regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability.
  • We keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves. Play fighting is not allowed.
  • We show proper care of school property, the environment and the property of others.

Students experiencing difficulty with any aspect of our Code of Behaviour will be supported on an individual basis by staff members and the principal, in accordance with Toronto District School Board guidelines.