

  • Remain outdoors before 8:42 am, after 3:15 pm, and during recesses, under direct teacher supervision.
  • Stay on the school grounds within the fenced area during school hours. Do not to leave the yard without permission. This includes getting any equipment that rolls onto the road, or going to the convenience store.
  • When the entry bell rings, line up quickly and calmly, no pushing, shoving or butting in.
  • Walk, don’t run, in the halls and on the stairs.
  • Do not climb the baseball screens, concrete walls or fences.
  • Respect the environment: throw litter and recyclable materials in the appropriate receptacles.
  • Respect the property of others: items in the halls and in classrooms should not be touched or moved unless they are your own personal property.
  • The Primary Playground is for JK, SK, grade 1, 2, and 3 children only.
  • The Junior Playground is for grades 4-6 only.  
  • Have all personal recreational and sporting equipment approved and reviewed by the principal before using it.
  • Help the caretaking staff: do not chew gum in school.
  • Do not use school computing devices to access online games, social media or non-approved websites.