
Extra-curricular Sports

Blaydon PS participates in both boys' and girls' inter-school teams such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, cross-country, track and field and intramurals, for any student (grades 1 to 5). 

Arts Enrichment 
With the support of the School Council and administration, visiting performances enrich students' learning. Arts activities include visiting dramatic productions, visiting storytellers, visual artists, drama and dance specialists.

Our goal is to provide every child with an opportunity to use computers and to acquire those skills which will permit the computer to become an integrated part of the expectations in all subject areas across the curriculum. The TDSB has class sets of iPads for our primary students, laptops carts in classrooms and all grade 5 students participate in TDSB's 1:1 Device Program.

Library Learning Commons
The Library Learning Commons is a focal point in our school program. In a bright and attractive setting, the children have access to a variety of print and non-print learning materials that have been selected with the educational needs of the school program in mind. A part of the library program is devoted to the teaching of research skills which are so essential to resource-based programs. The library resource centre is a place for stimulating experiences or for the enjoyment of good books. We continue to need parent volunteers to work under the guidance of the librarian. 

MakerSpace in the Learning Commons 

Through our MakerSpace and working in partnership with our librarian, students are exposed to various new technologies, such as the MakeyMakey, robotics through the LEGO WeDo 2.0, as well as coding in Scratch. By providing students with opportunities to build their global competencies we are fostering deep learning through engaging experiences that incorporate creativity, inquiry, entrepreneurship, collaboration, leadership, communication, global citizenship, character, critical thinking and problem solving. 

Other Enrichment 
Field trips: Our students enjoy a wide range of field trips to the local public library, the Ontario Science Centre, the Zoo, the Museum, and other resource areas in the city. 

Special guests: Resource people with special talents, hobbies, interesting occupations or backgrounds, visit the school so that students may observe, and frequently participate in, stimulating experiences.