Applying to Bloor CI

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Course Options 2024-2025

February Timelines and Actions

Early February

  • Students review grade course option sheet with parents/guardians/caregivers
  • Subject Course Fair
  • Students login to their TDSB account, go to choose courses

After Course Fair

Submit online with parent/guardian online approval within a window of 5 days. This can be done at school, at home, or by smartphone.

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Specialist High Skills Majors: Students focus on a career path that matches their skills and interests, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students also receive the SHSM seal on their diploma. At Bloor Collegiate Institute, students can specialize in Health & Wellness, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), or Business, and must take cooperative education in this program. Please indicate your interest for SHSM on myBlueprint and/or talk to the Co-op/Experiential Learning teachers or a guidance counselor.

2025-2026 Course Selection Sheets