About Us

November 14 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Centralized or Alternative Program(s):

Local Program(s):

Bloor Collegiate Institute (GR. 09-12)

Quod Incepimus, Conficiemus
Bloor Collegiate Institute, established in 1925, has a long tradition of scholarship and post-secondary success for our many graduates.  Bloor C.I. offers a full range of courses. Grade 9 students choose from a unique selection of options including a course in skills for success in high school and courses in computer arts, business and music.  We offer a variety of enrichment opportunities. Opportunities for senior students include  mathematics lectures at the University of Toronto.  
This school is involved in a Program Area Review at this time. View the latest information shared with the community about this process or visit our review page for further information.
Phone:(416) 393-1420
Fax:(416) 393-1424
Address:725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R5
Principal:Janice Gladstone
Vice-Principal(s):Todd Bushell
Vera Babic
Office Staff:Elsa Testempasis
School Council Chair(s):Carla Clifton-Brown
Becky Perry
Superintendent: John Currie
Family of School:FOS08
Trustee:Alexis Dawson
Ward:Ward 9