Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Broadlands Public School Code of Conduct

Code de comportement de l’école publique Broadlands

It is our hope at Broadlands Public School to provide our students, staff and community with a safe, secure, harmonious and stimulating environment; where sensitivity to and caring for other people are as important as academic learning.

The code of conduct has been developed in collaboration with students, staff, and parents to ensure that the accepted values of our school and our community are known, understood and respected.


English Français
I will be on time in the morning, after recess and after lunch.
J’arrive à l’heure le matin, après les récréations et le déjeuner.
I will not accept any form of bullying.
Je n’accepte aucune forme d’intimidation.
I will not accept rude conduct and inappropriate language.

Je n’accepte ni comportement impoli ni langage grossier.
I will respect others’ differences.
Je respecte les différences des autres.
I will use positive words to solve problems.
J’utilise des mots positifs pour résoudre les problèmes.
I will always follow our code of conduct at school, on the bus, and on school trips.
J’observe toujours le code de comportement à l’école, dans l’autobus, et pendant les excursions.
I will respect other peoples’ belongings, our school property and our environment.
Je respecte notre environnement et ce qui appartient aux autres et à l’école.
I will try my best to influence people in a positive way.
Je fais de mon mieux
I will respect and follow directions from all adults at school.
Je respecte et j’accepte les directives de tous les adultes à l’école.


The recess playground rules can be found in your child's agenda (Grades 1-5)

The bus rules can be found in your child's agenda (Grades 1-5)