The Brookside Uniform Policy was formally reviewed in the 2022-2023 School Year to become in alignment with the current TDSB Dress Code Policy. Please note the following uniform standard details:
FIRST LAYER - TOPS - School Colours Only
- Plain Navy Blue Shirt / White Shirt/ Sky Blue Shirt (from any retailer - McCarthy's ; Walmart etc.)
- Collared shirts are encouraged
- Brookside Bulldogs Spirit Wear is always included/allowed
BOTTOMS - School Colours Only
- Plain Navy Blue Bottoms (from any retailer, McCarthy's; Walmart etc.)
- Brookside Bulldogs Spirt Wear is always included/allowed
SECOND LAYER - School Colours Only
- Plain Navy Blue / White / Sky Blue Sweater or Sweatshirt (from any retailer -McCarthy’s, Walmart etc.)
- Brookside Bulldogs Spirt Wear is always included/allowed
Parents will be contacted if there are ongoing concerns related to their child’s uniform and/or with regards to ongoing concerns about uniform violations.If you need clarification about the Uniform Policy, please contact your child’s teacher, and/or contact the school office.

Shop online:
Shop by phone: 416-593-6900
Visit the store: 12 Trojan Gate, Scarborough ON
TDSB Student Dress Policy