Translated School Communications


Translated School Communications

Brookside Connect! Farewell June 2024! September Start-Up 2024

Principal's Message

Hello Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,

Thank you for a wonderful first year as Principal of Brookside! It has been an amazing experience getting to know all the students, staff and families here a Brookside. Seeing your smiling faces and hearing your appreciation for the work that we do has provided inspiration to us each and every day! 

Thanks to the work of our Eco-Team, led by Ms. Goring, Ms. Churchill, Ms. Wilson and Ms. Gilbert, our school has achieved Eco-Gold! status!

Thank you to our School Council Chairs, Praveen and Thulasi, for your leadership and your efforts this year, providing activities such as Pizza Lunches and Cookie Days and supporting our school events such as Curriculum Night and Family Math Night. We look forward to forming our new School Council in September! The end of this school year brings on some mixed emotions as we prepare for change at Brookside…Ms. Cvetkovski and Ms. Yeasmin will be moving on to new experiences. We would like to thank them for their contributions to the Brookside community and wish them well.We are also sending happy retirement wishes to Ms. Woodside and wish her the best after 33 years of service in education. Farewell to our Grade 8s and students that are moving over the summer. We wish you much success at your new schools! We look forward to seeing those returning in September, after a restful and relaxing summer, refreshed and rejuvenated for the new 2024-25 school year! Please see the PREPARATION FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (SEPTEMBER 3, 2024) section of this newsletter for information about September.

Enjoy the summer, everyone!

Eckleton Richards Jr.   Sarah Sirbos

Principal                        Vice-Principal


Follow us on X: @BrooksidePSTDSB


Table of Contents:

  • Brookside is Eco-Gold!
  • Grade 8
  • Summer Well-Being Guide
  • Courageous Summer Workshop Series
  • Reminders...
    • Moving?
    • Kindergarten Registration 2024

Brookside is Eco-Gold!

In October 2024, the Eco Team met for the first time this year and they were determined to make a better school for us at Brookside. The Eco Team Bulldogs gathered every Tuesday at lunch to discuss what eco initiatives we could do for our

school and our planet. The Eco Team planned events such as Sweater Days, Walk-to-School Wednesday, a

battery recycling drive, a “lights off” campaign, and a GOOS (good on one side) paper campaign. With all of these initiatives, our goal was to reach Gold status within the Eco Schools organization. We are proud to announce that we did it! Brookside Bulldogs helped us achieve GOLD status for the 2023-2024 school year! Way to go Bulldogs! The Eco Team Reps and Executives have willingly given up their time for class visits, collecting the recycling each week, working in the gardening club and many other things.

We thank the Eco Team Executives and Reps for the hard work that they have given for this 2023-2024 school year. They have worked well together for the past 10 months and, next year, we will be working together towards Platinum status with Eco Schools!

~ Prutheev

Ms. Goring, Ms. Churchill, Ms. Wilson and Ms. Gilbert

Grade 8 Graduation 2024

Congratulations to all of our 2024 Grade 8 Graduates. It was a wonderful evening for all. Thank you to our Grade 8 Graduation Committee (Ms. Thompson, Mr. Westwood, Mr. Lee, Ms. Holman and Ms. Steward)Here are the highlights of the evening…The Grade 8 Graduation Award Winners were as follows:

Valedictorian: Harissh

Ontario Principals Council (Leadership): Iniya

Trustee Excellence Award: Adaa

Citizenship Award: Angel, Thenugha, Krishna

STEAM Award: Sushathve, Shahana, Aasil

Arts Award: Deepali, Mohnish, Haadiyah

Athletics Award: Sasmiga, Vaisnavi, Ved

Literacy Award: Ashveka, Arushie, Ashvikaa

Spirit Award: Vandana, Shanthoish, Hannah

2024 Mental Health and Well-Being Guide

The 2024 Summer Well-being Guide is now available

The Guide has resources, community connections, events and ideas for students and parents/caregivers/guardians to promote mental and physical wellness during the summer months. The resources are culturally responsive with many resources for students with disabilities/special education needs.

The Guide has been translated into the top 23 TDSB languages spoken and is accessible. Please share the Summer Well-Being Guide widely with students, staff, parents/caregivers/guardians and school communities.

Courageous Summer Workshop Series

Contact for more information https://


(SEPTEMBER 3, 2024)

On the afternoon of Friday, August 30th, you will receive an email indicating the name of your child’s teacher, classroom number and entry doors.

When you arrive for the first day of school on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, please do not use the front doors of the school for entry or pick up.  Students will line up and enter at the usual time, 8:10 A.M. but aim to be at the school for 8:00 A.M. to ensure that you are able to find your entry door, etc.  There will be additional staff with class list to help guide students to their appropriate doors.

You will find that your child will probably need a backpack for books, assignments and lunch. A washable lunch box is useful as are containers for sandwiches and snacks. We are an Eco-School and encourage the use of a re-useable container for lunches and water bottle. Please make certain that children have “indoor” shoes that they will be able to keep in their classroom – this helps us keep our school clean especially in the winter during boot wearing times.

Our school’s website is located here: Never be left in the dark about your school’s activities again!



Dear Parents and Guardians:

Re:Students Moving

Each year at this time the school is busy working on class organization for the following school year. In order to assist us in our planning and organization for September 2024, we would appreciate it if families that are moving over the summer would complete and submit the form below.

Once a student moves out of Brookside P.S. area he/she must register in his/her new school area.Please indicate below if you will be moving out of the Brookside P.S. area during the summer. This information will greatly assist us in organizing classes for the 2024/2025 school year.

Transfer forms will be sent via courier for students who are moving outside the Toronto District School Board area. If your child will be attending another TDSB school, the information will be transferred electronically.


Thank you,

Ms. Patel, Mr. Richards and Ms. Sirbos

Kindergarten Registration

Registration for all TDSB English Kindergarten programs begins in February. Families have the option of registering their child online at or in-person at the school. With both options, families will be invited to come to the school to validate registration information and participate in a Welcome to Kindergarten event hosted by the school.