Students: It is the right of every student to be treated with respect and to be able to play and learn in a peaceful, safe environment.
It is the right of every staff member to be treated with respect and to be able to teach in a peaceful, safe environment.
It is the right of every parent/guardian to be treated with respect and to be assured that his/her child is getting the best education possible for that child in a peaceful, safe environment
School Rules to Remember
- Come to school every day, on time and be prepared to work.
- Respect yourself, other people and their property
- Always act in a safe way.
- Do not bring dangerous or valuable items to school
- Follow the Code of Behaviour.
Procedures for Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour
- Students who follow the Code of Behaviour will be recognized for their efforts both in the classroom and school.
- School Staff will continue to use a variety of techniques to encourage appropriate behaviour.
- Every student will receive a certificate each month, and should aim at receiving a sticker each week for appropriate behaviour.
- Students with no major offences for the term, will receive a special certificate at the end of each term.
- At the beginning of each term, each student will the opportunity of a fresh beginning in following the Code of Behaviour.
- Students who behave appropriately for the year, will be recognized at a special assembly, and will receive a special award.
Implementation of the Code of Behaviour
Minor Offences
- Play fighting
- Running in the halls or on the stairs
- Out of bounds (on school property)
- Not entering the school quickly and quietly
- Noisy in the halls and stairs
- Provocation of any of the above
Major Offences
- Hitting, bullying or physical aggression
- Damaging or stealing property
- Defiance of authority
- Disrespectful/abusive language
- Leaving school property
- *Any dangerous activity
- Provocation of any of the above
Consequences For Poor Behaviour
School Staff will be responsible for entering the name of any child who exhibits poor behaviour, in the Code of Behaviour Book in the Office. The following consequences will occur:
Minor Offences
The student's name will be entered, indicating the offence number. If a student gets three minor offences, they then become one major offence.
Major Offences
- Step 1.
- The student will be required to attend one counselling session
- Step 2.
- The student will be required to attend two counselling sessions. Parents will be notified.
- Step 3.
- The student will be required to attend four counselling sessions. Parents will be notified.
- Step 4.
- The student will serve a one-day, in-school withdrawal. Parents will be asked to participate in a conference about this child.
- Step 5.
- The student will serve a one-day out-of-school withdrawal. Further parental involvement will be required.
All racial and violent incidents are referred directly to the Principal.
*Any infraction deemed serious enough, may result in a withdrawal.