Thank you for your interest in the Child Care Assistant (CCA) Certificate Program. Registration for the CCA program is now CLOSED.
Those individuals who provided their contact information on December 17, 2024 will be contacted via email and invited to attend an English assessment and a personal interview on either January 7 or 8, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: Only those who provided their contact information will be admitted into this registration session. Do NOT attend if you did not receive an email invitation.
Anyone interested in starting the Program which begins in September 2025 should start checking the CALC website in August.
The prerequisite for this program is ENG2D or higher or successful completion of an English Assessment indicating equivalent standing. All candidates will be asked to submit a written English assessment as part of the selection process prior to acceptance into the program.
To advance to the placement portion of the program all students must complete a comprehensive Medical Form and receive a Clear Police Record Search for the Vulnerable Sector. Applications for the Medical Form and the Police Record Search are completed in class with the assistance of the teacher.

CALC’s Child Care Assistant Program enables you to gain knowledge and practical skills through in-school studies and a co-operative education experience in a licensed day care facility.
You will learn about the important role of a child care assistant while studying child behavior and development from birth to 12 years of age. Students develop strategies needed to communicate with and about children and will acquire an understanding of the skills necessary for effective care giving and professional relationships. In just 18 weeks, 2 quadmesters, you will earn a certificate and experience in the child care industry and will earn 6 credits towards your secondary school diploma.
Child Care Assistants are able to work in Daycares, Private elementary schools, Community Child Drop in Centres and a private home Daycare under the umbrella of a licensed agency.
Students may have an opportunity to transition into an CDP - Child Development Practitioner Apprenticeship!
All students working toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, (OSSD) may apply to the Child Development Practitioner (CDP) Accelerated OYAP Program through the TDSB’s Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP). Students over 21 with an OSSD are not eligible.
Interested candidates will be coached to apply and will be assisted with their registration with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. Applications are due at the beginning of November each year for the following semester (February – June).
Estimated Program Costs
- CPR Certificate: $70
- Food handling Certificate: $25-$60
- Vulnerable Sector Check (Police Record Search): $25
- Health form and required immunizations: costs vary depending on student's healthcare provider: $100
*Costs may vary, depending on provider, and are due over the course of the program.
Courses Include:
Raising Healthy Children
Working with Infants and Young Children
Creating opportunities through Co-op (Careers)
Plus a practical experience; 3 linked Cooperative Education Credits: HPC3O1C & HPW3CS
The prerequisite for the program is ENG2D or ENG2P or the successful completion a program specific English Assessment. Directions will be emailed to candidates once they have completed the questionnaire.
NEWS - Province supporting the creation of 15,693 student and 1,502 child care spaces
Since 2018, the Ontario government has invested over $2.0 billion in capital projects in education, including 100 new schools, 88 additions and renovations to existing facilities and 6,410 new licensed child care spaces. The support for school-based child care centres is part of the government’s commitment to invest up to $1 billion in the creation of up to 30,000 new licensed child care spaces over five years. To date, over 25,000 new spaces have been approved, which will support families and ensure a stronger and more accessible child care system for Ontario families.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: When does the Program start?
A: The CCA programs starts twice a year; in quad 1, September and quad 3, February.
Q: How long is the program?
A: The program is 18 weeks in length or 2 quads in total
Q: Does the program run during the summer?
A: No.
Q: When do the programs begin and finish?
A: Students begin the program in September (Quad 1) and will finish in January (Quad 2).
Students begin the program in February (Quad 3) will finish in June (Quad 4).
Q: Are classes online or in person?
A: All CCA classes are in person from 8:25 am - 3:15 pm
Q: Do I have to find my own placement?
We will help you find a placement; however, if you want to find your own placement, that can be arranged as well.
Q: Where can certified CCA graduates work?
A: Child Care Assistants are able to work in childcare centres, elementary schools, community drop-in centres and licensed home daycares.
Should you have any questions not answered please email:
In the subject line put CCA Program Inquiry
In the body of the email provide the essence of your question and please include your full name.