
What is Co-op?

A program offering students the opportunity to gain work experience and knowledge about possible future careers, and earn academic credits while working in paid or volunteer positions during and/or after school. 

Overview of Co-op program at Contact

Both paid work and volunteer placements may be used to earn credits. All placements must meet TDSB standards for safety, appropriateness, etc. The number of hours used from a paid job is limited and must correspond to the times when the Co-op teacher is available to make a visit to the site. Certain jobs (e.g., roofer, tattoo artist, baby-sitter, any unsupervised work, etc) cannot be used for Co-op.

It is expected that students interested in a paid co-op placement must already be employed and their employer willing to connect their job to this credit-bearing program.

Admission to Co-op is based solely on the school’s assessment of the applicant’s academic needs, and the number of places available in the program at any given time.

All pre-placement requirements including the signed Work-Education Agreement and Health and Safety test must be completed before students can begin to earn credit hours.

It is the responsibility of all students registered in Co-op to keep in phone/email/text contact with their Co-op Teacher especially when they are absent from their placement/job.

IMPORTANT SAFETY REMINDER: In the case of an accident at the worksite, or for any serious problem, students in both paid and volunteer jobs must call the Co-op Teacher or the school immediately. Messages may be left on the cell phone at any hour.

Co-op Teacher: Ashley Goertz
