Our Core Values



 Contact Alternative believes in...

“Supporting academic growth while simultaneously supporting students’ complex social, emotional, housing, and financial needs.” - Michelle, Curriculum Leader


“Providing help and assistance to students, no matter what their situation is. There is always someone at Contact for support.” -Savannah, Graduate 


“A commitment to equity and social justice, while empowering learners towards self-advocacy” - Vesna, Former Teacher


"Providing empathy. The teachers at Contact are patient, understanding and easy to relate to. They try hard to understand where you are coming from." - Jordan, Graduate 


“Building hope, personal growth, and a providing a pathway to success as we work with students that have been underserved, marginalised, disenfranchised and racialized” - Dexter, Child and Youth Counsellor 


"Making everyone feel welcome. You can really be yourself. You get support whenever you need it, for school, life issues, work ... anything." - Kevin, Graduate

“Providing an environment that is small, friendly, and flexible. Courses are tailored to students' abilities and interests, while individual help is the norm during class. The big kitchen and all-day food buffet nourish students' bodies while deeply caring staff nourish their hearts and minds.” - Julianne, Former Teacher

"Giving students’ opportunities they didn't have at other schools. I'm getting credits and doing paid co-op. I get tons of help from staff whenever I need it." - Katerina, Graduate