Parents of students who take TDSB buses to school can now register for bussing updates at https://busplannerweb.torontoschoolbus.org/ After enrolling, parents can identify the bus company name and phone number providing service for their family as well as the route number, the location of the bus stop and the associated times. In addition, enrolment also provides an e-mail alert notifying them of delays on the bus route. There is a specific e-mail (support@torontoschoolbus.org) to provide support for those having issues either creating an account or registering their children on the portal.
Creating an account with Bus Planner
***Note that when school buses are cancelled, they are cancelled for the entire day. In the event of cancellations, it is your responsibility to get your child to school on time for the 8:15a.m. bell and to pick your child up at 2:45p.m. at his/her dismissal doors.
TDSB Student Transportation Policies and Procedures
TDSB Bus Application - Fillable Form: If your child is eligible to ride the bus, complete the form and submit it to the main office.