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Drewry Secondary School


Drewry Secondary School is a small special needs high school with a clear focus on providing appropriate academic and life skills courses for students in a safe and nurturing environment. We are very responsive to the unique needs of students, their families and the community. The alternative curriculum addresses functional academics, life skills, a variety of employability skills and experiential learning opportunties.  Drewry has small classes with extensive classroom supports.


Placement at Drewry is granted through a Central Identification, Placement, & Review Committee (IPRC). Students are programmed based on their identified exceptionality and unique learning needs

Drewry is a non-credit granting school.  Drewry students graduate with a Certificate of Accomplishment.

Drewry works with it's various community partnerships with agencies such as the Griffin Centre, Surrey Place, Community Living Toronto, Alternative Youth Centre for Employment (AYCE), Jobs, Vision and Success (JVS), Geneva Centre to ensure that students and their families are supported both at school and beyond.   




Donate to Drewry's Terry Fox Run

on Vimeo.