School Uniform

School Uniform

East York C.I. is a uniform school with a Uniform Dress Code for students. The objective of the uniform is to promote school pride and a stronger atmosphere for learning within a safe school environment.It is expected that students who attend EYCI understand, and follow all dress code expectations on pages 8 & 9 of the agenda(included below). 

General Information
  • Students must wear the EYCI uniform at all times during the school day (including lunch), to school related programs trips and events. 
  • Only uniform clothing purchased through Halpern’s School Apparel Ltd., according to the order form for EYCI, is acceptable. All clothing must have the EYCI crest or insignia clearly visible. No substitutes are acceptable. Uniform samples are on display in the Halpern’s Uniform Display Case. 
  • Clothing must be worn as originally purchased, and should be clean and neat.
  • Clothing purchased for EYCI teams or clubs is not part of the school uniform. 
  • The Student Uniform Dress Code is part of the School Code of Conduct.

Student Dress Code “How the Uniform Must be Worn”

  • Any shirts worn under uniform clothing must be plain white. 
  • Hosiery must be a solid colour (black, navy, grey or white). Socks & tights are available for purchase in the uniform store.
  • Shorts must be the Halpern’s cotton khaki walking short or crested gym shorts and must be worn at the waist with a crested uniform top.
  • For gym class only, students must wear the EYCI grey gym T shirt and blue uniform gym shorts purchased through Halpern’s or the EYCI Phys. Ed. Dept. for gym classes. 
  • All drama students are expected to be in full EYCI Uniform at all times (before, during and after drama class).
  • Shoes are students’ choice.

Other Clothing/Accessories

  • "No headgear of any description (baseball hats, bandannas, etc.) is allowed to be worn in school or at school functions. Religious requirements are the exception. 
  • Jeans and other non uniform pants (e.g. Dickies) are not acceptable school wear. 
  • Jeans, or “jeggings” are not permitted under school shorts or kilt. 
  • Coats must be kept in lockers during the school day, and taken out only to go outdoors. Coats or other outerwear (e.g. hoodies/sweaters) are not to be worn over the uniform in class or in school hallways.

Dress Code Infractions (Progressive Discipline may include the following):

  • Initial infractions addressed by staff. 
  • Clothing adjustment made in office to change/remove inappropriate clothing .
  • Referral to office and sign uniform log. 
  • Parental contact.
  • Sent home to change into uniform. 
  • Infraction letter and telephone contact with parents. 
  • VP Referral.

Student Uniform Dress Code Expectations – Costs can be managed

  • Additional pieces can be purchased as the need arises. Heavier long sleeve sweaters and vests can be purchased as cold weather arrives. 
  • Birthdays and other gift giving occasions are an excellent time for relatives and friends to give a new uniform piece. 
  • All uniform clothing is washable, durable and many pieces are wrinkle free.
  • Outgrown pieces can be passed down to younger siblings or acquaintances. 
  • Consistent pricing allows families to plan and manage expenses.
  • The office welcomes donations of gently used unforms. Ordering Your EYCI UniformHalpern’s Ltd. is a Canadian owned clothing company specializing in school apparel and known for its service, clothing wearability, guarantee and reasonable pricing.

Three convenient methods of ordering are available.

  • EYCI Uniform Shoppe, (416) 423-6900 phone orders or personal shopping 
  • Halpern’s East Store, (416) 482-9550, 335 Consumers Rd. (Victoria Park and Sheppard Ave. East) Toronto 
  • Annual Spring Mobile Store, June 2013 A discount will be available to students purchasing uniform clothing in the Annual Spring Sale.