Scholarships and Awards offered at East York Collegiate.
Loran Scholars: Character, Service, Leadership
October 22nd for sponsored applications,
October 29th for all others
Students seeking school sponsored application must hand completed application into Guidance by October 16th
TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
November 28th
Click the following link for information on how to get guidance updates.
Guidance Updates with Remind com.pdf
Click the following link for information on post-secondary applications.
PostSecondary Planning Presentation (2014).pdf
Click on the following link for the information that was provided during the Grade 9 Curriculum Night.
Grade 9 Curriculum Night (2014).pdf
Click on the following link for information on service updates for the website"".
Student Services Updates with REMIND.COM.docx
Click on the following link for information on Loran scholarships.
Loran Scholarship.pdf
Click on the following link for information on TD scholarships.
TD Scholarship for Community Leadership.pdf