HPE Information
For all information regarding my HPE Program, and Gledhill Tiger athletics, please visit my website. It will remain up to date and the calendar includes all practice schedules and times for our teams.
Signing up for sports is all done electronically. You will need to log into the Excursion Management Application (EMA) here: https://parent.ema.tdsb.on.ca/
I have included guide to using the EMA under the "FORMS AND DOCUMENTS" tab on my website. Once logged in, you will be able to sign permission forms for athletic team tryouts that your child is interested in.
Gledhill Tiger Wear
We are very excited to announce that Gledhill will be offering clothing and apparel for families to purchase. There are some staple items like t-shirts and hoodies, as well as other items that are popular at other schools. Attached is an order form so you can have a look.