School Council

School Advisory Council

The Hodgson School Advisory Council meets monthly to discuss important issues here at Hodgson. All Parents and Guardians are welcome to attend the meetings. The Hodgson School Council is made up of parents, teachers and community members. The executive is elected yearly at the first General Meeting of the school year. 

Check out our 2023-2024 survey results! Link

You've asked Questions & we have Answers!   Link

 Dates for 2023-2024

Future Dates:  Tues May 14, Tues June 18

  • 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

2022-2023 Council Executive

Ulrica Jobe, Chair, School Council

Mila Glisic - Treasurer

 Kristina Turner - Secretary

Margaret Yeung and Ana Rodrigues - Co-Chairs, Fundraising Committee  

Katie Bardyn - Chair, Grad Committee

Voting Members - Joy Lee, Nachely Figliano, Elise Rochefort, Amanda Ricketts-Fredrick, Adriana Amaya