At Iroquois Junior Public School, we are committed to developing students, in partnership with the community who are confident, capable learners, who show respect for themselves, others and the world around them. Here’s what represents us best:
Respect and responsibility
Quality Education
Open-mindedness Interactive learning
Safe and supportive classrooms
Students Who Are Dropped Off and/or Picked Up By A Sibling or Caregiver
The supervision of every child is a priority. Please make sure that you have a regular routine to drop off and pick up your child and that the caregiver is on time and waiting at the proper exit/entry door. Lateness can be very stressful on a child.
Dismissal – Students who have been dismissed at the end of the school day and are not involved in a supervised after-school activity are expected to proceed directly home.
If a caregiver is picking up your child, we ask that you follow the normal dismissal procedure and wait for your child at his/her designated door. A designated meeting area and discussion of what to do in case of an emergency are all important routines to establish in September. Students should know that if there is a problem, they should go to the school office for assistance and should never walk home alone or change the plan.
Also, if you are changing the caregiver who picks up your child, we need that information via a letter to the teacher and/or a phone call to the office. In the event of an emergency, please make sure that you notify the school in advance so that alternate arrangements can be made.
While we have supervision in our yard 15 minutes before and after the school day, we always ask parents of Kindergarten – Grade 3 students to have a reliable caregiver overseeing our youngest students to ensure they are safe, directly into and out of the school. The staff member ‘on duty’ is responsible for the supervision of the yard and all students, not for a specific group of students waiting for a caregiver. Please ensure your child is properly supervised following a safe standard of care.
Lines of Communication
If you move, change the phone number or address of your home/business, your emergency contact person or any other vital information, it is critical that the office be informed immediately. This information will ensure we are able to communicate with you when needed.
The agenda, newsletters, interviews, report cards, and phone calls are ways the staff at Iroquois Junior School keep the lines of communication open with parents/guardians.
If you have an issue to discuss with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment to see him/her. A convenient time will be arranged for a phone conversation or meeting. If your child informs you of a concern, please be sure to:
- see the teacher first and find out what happened from all sources;
- keep an open mind, and
- remember that we are all here to ensure that your child is successful and has a positive experience at our school.
If your child is receiving consequences for an incident at school, make sure that your child feels supported, while he/she also understands that inappropriate behaviour is always unacceptable. This stance will help him/her to take responsibility for his/her actions and learn to choose appropriate behaviour. Having good character and being a model citizen begins with students being accountable for their behaviour at all times, and using positive means to resolve conflicts.
School Telephone/Cell Phones
The school telephones are used for school business. They should be used by pupils only for emergency reasons and with the permission of a teacher or the office. The school will take messages of an urgent nature but we encourage parents to communicate with their children before or after school.
According to TDSB policy, cell phones should not interfere with instruction or be used during the instructional day. If your child has a cell phone, it should be powered ‘off’ during the instructional day (unless otherwise indicated by your child’s teacher). Cell phones are best left in your child’s pocket, backpack or locker.
Absence, Attendance and Punctuality
Regular and punctual attendance is expected from all students as it supports continuity of programming and promotes academic success and personal responsibility. All students should plan on being on school property 5 minutes before the beginning of the morning and afternoon entry times.
If your child is late, he/she must report to the office for a late slip. Regardless of the reason(s), the school will be accountable to inform parents/guardians of the number of lates and absences each term.
To ensure the safety of our students, Iroquois Junior Public School has a Safe Arrival program. Student attendance is taken twice daily. If your child will be late or will be away due to illness, an appointment or family obligations, please report the student absence to the School Messenger automated system at 1-833-250-2290. Please wait until you get the confirmation number before hanging up or else the system will not record your entry. Alternatively, you could download the School Messenger App on your phone which is convenient and easy to use. This is the only way to ensure you don’t receive automated phone calls. Contact will be made via telephone with the parents of all children for whom we are unaware of the reasons for absence.
NOTE: Please respond to the toll-free number 1-833-250-2290 as you will not see the school name when the system calls out to you.
Appointments in the middle of the day are best handled by both the teacher and office staff the day before the appointment. This communication allows the teacher to make any arrangements for your child’s work and allows the office to keep track of your child. The office staff will ensure the appointment is correctly indicated in the system.
Inclement Weather
Students need to dress properly for the weather. Most recess and lunch breaks will occur outdoors. Please ensure that your child is dressed ready to enjoy a fresh air break, outdoors. All students will be required to go outside. If you feel your child is too ill to go outside for recess and during the lunch break, we recommend that he/she remain home until the illness has passed, both to avoid others contracting the illness and to speed the recovery. Following the TDSB guidelines, only during rainy or extremely cold weather days will students remain indoors at recesses and lunch blocks. Please ensure that your child does not arrive at school too early during these weather conditions. Further details about severe weather procedures can be found on the TDSB website.
Dress Policy
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice that conforms to following system standards.
Student dress must:
Be worn in such a way that all bottom layers cover groin and buttocks and top layers cover nipples, both with opaque material.
- Tops may expose shoulders, abdomen, midriff, neck lines and cleavage.
- Bottoms may expose legs, thighs and hips.
- Undergarments may not be substituted as outwear and, if worn, should be worn beneath a layer of outer wear.
- Straps and waistbands may be exposed however.
- Any headwear that does not obscure the face may be worn.
- Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity (e.g., health and physical education classes, science and chemistry classes, sporting events, technical education, drama/dance classes, etc.)
- Respect the Board’s intent to sustain a community that is positive, anti-oppressive, equitable, accepting and inclusive of a diverse range of social and cultural identities.
- Not promote offensive, lewd, vulgar, or obscene images or language, including profanity, hate and pornography;
- Not promote, nor, could not be construed as or include content that is discriminatory (e.g., racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, classist, ableist, sizist, etc.), or that reasonably could be construed as defamatory, threatening, harassing or promoting bias, prejudice or hate;
- Not symbolize, suggest, display or reference: tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, drugs or related paraphernalia, promotion or incitement of violence or any illegal conduct or criminal activities.
- Not interfere with the safe operation of the school, limit or restrict the rights of others, or create a reasonably foreseeable risk of such interference or invasion of rights; (e.g., except for creed accommodations and safety requirements, no head wear may obscure the face, all other head wear may be worn);
We continue to respect a casual dress environment at the school. As such, students must dress in a manner considered suitable for an educational institution. If students have questions regarding the dress policy they are encouraged to speak to their teachers and/or administrators.
Students must dress in preparation for the weather conditions (e.g., cold winter day – snowsuit, scarf, hat, gloves and boots).
Labelled Clothing & Belongings
Student clothing and belongings (e.g., coats, boots, lunch bags, backpacks…) should be labelled with your child’s name using a permanent marker to ensure lost items are returned to the owner.
Lost and Found
All articles found in and around the school are placed in the Lost and Found. Students are encouraged to check for lost items on a regular basis. When the container becomes too full, a few announcements are made for students to check for lost items. Unclaimed items are then donated to a charitable organization after the end of each term.
Indoor Shoes
At Iroquois Junior School, we have an indoor shoe policy. Indoor shoes are essential to ensure the safety of all students and to maintain the cleanliness of our school. Indoor shoes should be clearly labelled with the child’s name, be easy to slip on and take off, allow for participation in the gymnasium and be left at the school.
Toys & Personal Belongings
Do NOT bring expensive items and toys are to school. They are often distracting to student learning and can be the source of great anxiety if lost. This includes all electronic games and ‘iPods’. The school cannot be held responsible for replacing lost or stolen items.
Skateboards, rollerblades and scooters should not be brought to school.
Building Maintenance
The maintenance and cleanliness of our school are priorities. Our caretakers work hard to maintain a safe, clean and healthy learning environment for the staff, students and community. Each of us must do our part as well. I ask that students pick up the litter/garbage they create in the yard and school. Everyone entering the building is asked to wipe/stamp their feet on mats at entry doors before proceeding in and around the school. Ensuring that we all do our part conveys respect and pride for our school, and personal and social responsibility.
- Inappropriate contact with others will be dealt with seriously. Keep hands and feet to yourself. “We were just playing” or “We were just joking” are not acceptable responses or excuses for such unwanted physical behaviour.
- Students must conduct themselves in a safe and orderly manner at all times.
- Fighting and other acts of physical aggression will not be tolerated; there will be consequences for those who engage in physically or verbally aggressive behaviours.
- Verbally harassing or making unwelcome comments about a person based on their race, ethnicity, gender, faith, disability, appearance or sexual orientation is strictly prohibited at this school. This includes starting or spreading rumors.
If you encounter such concerns at school you should:
1) Talk About It
2) Tell About It
3) Take Positive Action
It is our hope that by talking about it, telling about it, and taking positive action we will STOP HARASSMENT.
Student Responsibilities
The need for good conduct extends to any activity that is initiated by the school, even when the activity takes place off school property. The TDSB Safe Schools’ Policy and the Code of On-Line Conduct are a part of this agenda and should be reviewed carefully. We encourage respect, courtesy, co-operation and pride in our school. Student behaviour should reflect these beliefs through:
- focusing on learning and putting forth a consistent effort to complete quality work and homework
- attending school regularly and punctually
- participating fully in curricular and extra-curricular programs
- using indoor voices when inside the school
- only walking inside the school
- respecting self, others and property
- being co-operative, courteous, positive and polite
- playing safely and in a manner appropriate to the activity
- resolving conflicts in an appropriate manner
- following school and Board policies.
Student Recognition - Building Character
Our system of student recognition focuses on the 10 character attributes that comprise the Toronto District School Board’s “Character Development” initiative. Beginning in September, each month will have a theme reflecting one of the attributes and our discussions, events, and initiatives will focus on the monthly attribute. The monthly attributes are as follows:
Student Safety
- Nut/Peanut Free School
Several children at Iroquois Junior School have severe reactions to products containing nuts. Allergic reactions may take several forms, from a mild rash, escalating to life threatening responses that require the use of an EpiPen and immediate medical attention. This allergic reaction may be triggered by even minute traces of nuts or nut by-products.
Although, we cannot guarantee a totally nut free school, we ask that students:
- Not bring any food that contains or may contain peanuts/nuts or nut by- products.
- Not share food.
2. Emergency Health Forms
Please take your time to fill out the Student Health Forms. If your child has a medical condition or illness that will affect his or her full participation at school, please share this information on the Emergency forms. If medication must be administered or left at school, strict TDSB guidelines need to be followed and forms completed. Please consult the office for further details.
3. Students Only Washrooms
For the security of the students some washrooms are designated as ‘Students Only’ washrooms. Adults and visitors should proceed to the office to use a washroom. You will be escorted to an appropriate facility.
Parents should pick up and drop off their children at the designated exit/entry doors. Staff supervision is on hand in the yard just before each entry time. The school has a policy of controlled access to the building. All visitors (e.g., parents, volunteers, School Council members, former students, Board employees...) must enter through the parking lot door and obey all school rules (e.g., indoor voices, walking…). To gain access to the school you must report to the office and obtain a Visitor’s tag after signing in. We expect that you abide by these rules in order to ensure all of the students are safe, the learning time of the students is maximized and interruptions are kept to a minimum. The Visitor tag helps staff to identify intruders in our building. If you need to speak to a teacher, please write a note in your child’s agenda or leave a message at the office to arrange a meeting time that does not interfere with student instructional time.
Wherever possible, we strongly encourage students to go home for lunch each day. Students who stay at school over the lunch hour are required to bring their lunch including a drink. We do not have a servery selling food or drinks to students.
As a part of our environmental focus, we encourage students to bring a litter less lunch. As with any program offered at the school, appropriate behaviour is mandatory. Students whose behavior is not appropriate may have their lunchtime privileges revoked. Further details are available upon request.
No Dogs on School Property
The school grounds and play areas are the property of the Toronto District School Board and are under school jurisdiction during the school day. Dogs are NOT permitted on school property at any time.
No Parking On School Property
Whenever possible, parents/caregivers should walk children to and from school. This responsibility could be shared with a neighbour.
Due to safety and equity concerns, there is a NO Parking policy on school property. The parking lots are used for school staff, volunteers assisting in the school at the particular time of parking, TDSB approved support staff working in the school and parents of students with specific medical needs who need to park closer to the school. Please do not park in our school bus loading zone.
If you do drive your child to school, ensure you take extra precautions. PLEASE plan ahead and park your car if you need to walk your child to an exit and entry door. This routine should be the practice for all students. Thank you for choosing safety over convenience.
Fire and ‘Hold and Secure’ Drills
Every year the school revises emergency response plans to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors in the building. During a fire or a fire drill, students, staff and volunteers are required to leave the school safely, quietly and immediately, following the teacher’s direction.
‘Hold and Secure’ mandates are used to control all movement within the school. ‘Hold and Secure’ procedures are basically a reverse fire drill. Instead of having all students leave the classroom, a call for a ‘Hold and Secure’ keeps students in the school/classroom in a safe environment. Examples of when a ‘Hold and Secure’ announcement may be used include a medical emergency, a stranger in the school, an animal on the grounds, police activity in the area and/or unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters. When a ‘Hold and Secure’ announcement is made, entry into the school will be restricted. We ask that you not attempt entry, as doing so, may bring danger to the students and staff in the building. Also, not calling during an emergency ensures that staff are focused on addressing the issue and keeps the lines of communication open to security personnel. Local media and the school board website will offer updates during emergency situations.
Homework and Extensions To Learning
The Toronto District School Board’s Homework Policy is enclosed. Please read this section carefully with your child.
Parents should check the agenda daily to monitor student homework and upcoming test and projects. If you feel your child needs greater learning opportunities, use the ideas below as opportunities to expand thinking and learning. Creating real life opportunities for children to learn, think critically and make responsible choices helps to create good academic habits, problem solving skills and citizenship.
Create authentic opportunities for your child to write (journal, documenting procedures, recipes, letters, reflection) and let your child choose topics that interest him/her.
Many studies have shown that reading is a good predictor of academic success. Reading is integral in all subject areas and needs to be developed and nurtured in all children. Help to promote the love of literacy by enjoying books with your child and modelling the need to read in your lives (e.g., recipes, instructions, work, enjoyment, to learn, etc.).
Your child should read a variety of fiction and non-fiction books every day. The time varies and depends on the age and maturity of your child. Anywhere from 10-30 minutes/day will help your child to develop regular reading habits. In the beginning, you should guide your child’s reading by using questions similar to:
This book reminds me of a situation/person/another book… I learned that… It was funny when.. I’m beginning to wonder … I predict… I would have… I felt… My favourite character is… The setting of the story… This book is very believable because… The author should have… because…
As your child becomes more proficient in reading, your child will need less guidance and support from you.
Critically thinking and relating a text to personal experiences, other texts and the world are ways students practise and express higher level thinking skills.
Oral Communication
Create topics of conversation from age appropriate news articles. Stimulate conversation beyond comprehension and the content of an article.
Mathematics – Have your child:
- Practise basic facts (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) through dice games and have them solve a problem using his/her facts.
- Help with chores/projects around the house using estimation, measurement and problem solving.
- Practise telling time, counting money and using a calculator when grocery shopping.
- Collect, count and sort (by weight, shape or colour) things found in the home or outside. Record results and make graphs or tables displaying the information.
Other Activities
- Visit the public library.
- Take advantage of visits/trips to local community centres, the Zoo, Science Centre or museum.
- Encourage an active lifestyle. Children can join swimming classes, Brownies, Cubs, soccer, baseball…
Have your child:
- Watch quality educational television.
- Use the computer to research a topic of interest or to work on an educational computer game.
- Play a board game such as Scrabble, Checkers, Chess, Connect Four…
- Build with Lego, or building blocks,
- Assist with daily/household chores.
- Engage in volunteer work with other family members.
Iroquois Code of Conduct
Expectations of Staff:
Treat all with respect, fairness and equity through a culturally responsible lens.
Be a positive role model.
Provide a safe and secure environment.
Ensure programs reflect the Ontario curriculum, Board policies and Ministry initiatives.
Maintain proper order in the school and yard.
Communicate information on students’ programs, progress, attendance and behaviour to guardian.
Facilitate peaceful conflict resolution.
Be sensitive to the special needs of students.
Expectations of Students:
Treat all others with respect. Be a positive role model.
Maintain regular and punctual attendance. Concentrate and work hard every day.
Complete all assignments on time and with care.
Treat school property and material with care.
Use good words to solve your problems and be responsible for your actions.
Use of cell phones and other electronic devices is allowed on school property but they must be turned off and stored out of view if not in use under the supervision of a teacher.
If you are feeling physically or mentally unwell at school, tell a caring adult so you can be supported.
Expectations of Parents:
Communicate with staff in a respectful manner.
Be a positive role model.
Ensure your children attend classes daily and on time. Be sure to inform the school of your children’s absences.
Prepare children for learning by ensuring adequate rest, nutritious meals, personal hygiene and appropriate clothing for the weather.
Make sure your children complete homework carefully.
Read regularly to and with your children.
Plan extended family vacations, as much as possible, during school breaks (i.e., Winter, March and Summer).
Support your children’s education by attending school events, parent/teacher conferences and SAC meetings.