Weekly Roundup

September 18 to 22 - Weekly Roundup

Friday, September 15, 2023 03:00 PM
Monday, September 18 – Day 5

  • Welcome Back MJ! MJ serves in various roles including Travel Safety, Lunch Supervision, and will cover the SNA/EA roles.
  • Fall 2023 Ferry Schedule Begins. We will continue to commute to Hanlan’s Point on the 8:30 am ferry and return to the city side from Hanlan’s on the 3:30 pm ferry until further notice
  • Fire Drill #2, 10:20 am
  • Congratulations to the 16 Parent Representatives who were elected by acclamation to the 2023-2024 School Council! On Thursday, October 5th, they will elect the School Council Executive. The Council also consist of the Principal, a Teacher Representative (to be determined), Support Staff Representative (to be determined), and a Community Representative (to be determined). Info: https://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/island/School-Council
  • Please remind your students that safety comes first, and the expectations of respectful playground behaviour is always expected. As well, students are not to be exchanging cash for items created at the student created forts, stick shops, rock shops and slime shops.

Tuesday, September 19 – Day 1

  • Principal away from school site. Virginia McIntyre (Principal -Rtd) is performing the duties of Principal today.
  • Coding/Gaming Club Begins, 11:50 am (Library)
  • Please show your Parent Access Card for to the Ferry Staff at the Ticket Booth for entry to the Fare Paid Area of the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal. If you have a newly registered students to the school, and did not receive the welcome back to school package, including the Parent Access Card, please let the principal know by email. Once your child is in the supervision of the Student Travel Safety Assistants, please do not walk alongside them onto the ferry.

Wednesday, September 20 - Day 2

  • The Morning Meal/Snack, and Hot Lunch are charged Monthly. Snack is $20. Monthly and Hot Lunch is $130. Monthly. Island is a cashless school. Payments are made through School Cash Online accessible at https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com

Thursday, September 21 – Day 3

  • International Day of Peace.

Friday, September 22 – Day 4

  • Island will be participating in the Terry Fox National School Run, 1:00 pm. Families are welcome to join us on run day. The event will take place on the school grounds. Info: https://terryfoxschoolrun.org/ Donations accepted online only at https://schools.terryfox.ca/TorontoIslandPSNatScienceToronto
  • Social Worker onsite (full-day)