We are an allergy aware zone.
There are a number of children at John Fisher who have life-threatening allergies including nuts (e.g., peanuts, tree nuts) and shellfish, that can be triggered by exposure to trace amounts of the allergen. The oil or smell from food can cause anaphylaxis in some individuals. Please check with your child's teacher for class specific allergies.
To minimize the risk of exposure at the school the following rules apply:
- Avoid nuts or foods containing nuts being brought into the school.
- Avoid foods containing other known life-threatening allergens in your child's class or lunch group.
- Children should not share their lunches or snacks.
- For class events and/or cultural celebrations:
- Only purchased food that is in the original wrapping and clearly labelled nut-free can be brought to the event.
Also remind your child that they are always welcome to speak to their lunchroom supervisor and or classroom staff to find a safe space to eat if they realize they have brought an allergen containing food or they believe their is an allergen that they must avoid in someone else's food.
We strive to provide pleasant safe environments for everyone.
Thank you for considering the safety of our children by adhering to these rules.