School Council

Welcome back parents and a special warm welcome to our families new to John Fisher. If this is your first year at our school, or even if you have been here for years, you might find some interesting information on the Welcome to John Fisher Booklet. 


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School Council - Getting Involved

John Fisher School Council (JFSC) NEEDS YOU! 

Our school is looking for parent(s) to fill the role of Chair of the Fête Subcommittee. As Chair, you will lead the organization of John Fisher’s annual parents night out and online auction fundraising event, with the support of a team of parent volunteers who will canvas for donations from local vendors.

John Fisher has many committees that you can join to help guide the direction and environment of our school. Have you been at the school a couple years and are wondering where to start? Find a friend and co-chair a committee together. Are you new to the school and you want to meet some JF parents? Pick an area that interests you and join as a member, or if you’re keen/experienced, volunteer to chair. There is something for everyone.

If you can't commit to a committee, but still want to help out, volunteers are needed for penguin pizza lunch days, fundraising events, and Fun Fair activities. Please reach out to the Fundraising Chair, Cecilia Carew at or our Co-Vice Chair/Volunteer Coordinator, Marc Gervais at, if you are interested in helping.

Please take a minute to read through the information and links below and see if there is a committee that interests you.  School Council meetings will be held virtually this year, which makes it easier for same parents to attend -  hopefully this is a bonus and we look forward to seeing many new faces at our first meeting. 

For more details see here and here.


Whether you have chosen Remote Learning or attending school at John Fisher, many parents are asking where they can receive further French immersion resources for their children. 

Here are some ideas. This list will be updated periodically:


French apps

  1. Book creator (paid)
  2. Explain Everything™ Interactive Whiteboard
  3. French Word Wizard (paid)
  4. Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center
  5. IXL - Math and English
  6. Mathboard
  7. Mots Mêlés (paid)
  8. Quizlet: Learn with Flashcards & Study Tools
  9. WordReference Dictionary



Monthly subscription is about $7 for unlimited French; television shows, movies, documentaries, NFB, etc. For older kids they can select specifically from the ‘Juenesse’ category. Available online or download the app.

IXL Learning

English:   French

IXL Learning is available in English for the Canadian Math and Language curriculum, or in French with the curriculum from France. Both are available for a monthly or yearly subscription. Unfortunately, you have to pay for them individually if you want both language options. Available online and as an App.

Popular Books Company

There are lots of publishers offering French workbooks such as  French Smart books or French Tutor which has an Answer Key is at the back. Order online and delivery was within a week.

Quebec Curriculum – Open School

Open School offers FREE learning here all provided by the Ministry of Education in Quebec.

Tele-Quebec – en classe

Classes for various levels. All free, all fantastic!


Audio books in French. Large variety of books. Online or download the app.


Ask your JF teacher for the Link to join. 


Doulingo is a language learning program available online and as an app. Free trial membership, and you can purchase monthly or yearly. They offer a regular Doulingo version and Doulingo Kids.


A variety of certified resources in French, relevant, and categorized according to subject matter and school grade. Educational resources include: videos, games, websites, applications, teaching tools. Tout en étant gratuites, certaines sections d'IDÉLLO nécessitent une inscription.

The French Experiment

Children’s stories, online French lessons, etc…

The Fable Cottage

Children’s stories translated into French with optional slow audio from a native French speaker. Great for kids and adults too. 

Alliance française

French courses are all being offered online now. They have a huge amount of all things French culture

Government of Ontario, French Learning Resources:

Palier élémentaire: Trouver des ressources permettant aux élèves d'apprendre à la maison, en autonomie ou avec l'aide d'un parent ou d'une tutrice ou d'un tuteur.

Des ressources supplémentaires sont disponibles en anglais sur le site de TVO.

Les Contes qui Comptent

L'application mobile et le site Web Les contes qui comptent invitent les parents à explorer des concepts de mathématiques simples avec leurs enfants grâce à des contes. Cette nouvelle ressource pédagogique est conçue pour encourager le dialogue sur les mathématiques et ses liens avec le monde des enfants. Parents et enfants pourront s'amuser tout en faisant des mathématiques. Il est possible qu'on vous recommande de télécharger l'application gratuite Math Storytime. Il n'est pas nécessaire de créer un compte ou un mot de passe.


Eurêka! est un service gratuit d'aide à l'apprentissage, accessible aux élèves inscrits dans des écoles de langue française, ainsi qu'à leurs parents, offert de 9 h à 21 h du lundi au vendredi, et de 17 h à 21 h le dimanche. Les élèves peuvent obtenir de l'aide dans toutes les matières, recevoir de l'appui spécialisé en français et dans les matières reliées aux STIM (sciences, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques) et avoir accès à des exercices d'enrichissement leur permettant d'approfondir leurs connaissances. Ils peuvent poser leurs questions par téléphone, par texto ou par courriel, ou en utilisant le clavardage ou les médias sociaux. Une équipe professionnelle d'enseignantes et d'enseignants répond à leurs questions et leur donne des explications. Eurêka! est une source d'information fiable!


Boukili est un site Web et une application pour les jeunes de 3 à 8 ans qui propose 120 livres animés en français pour l'apprentissage de la lecture. Les parents peuvent créer des listes de lecture pour leurs enfants. Ceux-ci peuvent lire ou écouter une narration et même enregistrer leur lecture! Les livres peuvent être téléchargés pour une lecture hors connexion, dans la voiture ou au chalet!

Destiné aux enfants d'âge préscolaire et scolaire, ce site propose des jeux éducatifs gratuits qui couvrent une grande variété de sujets.

Community Links and Supports

Canadian Parents for French Ontario

FREE 1 Year CPF Membership

Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is offering FREE 1-year memberships for 2020-21 to help make French Second Language resources and information accessible during COVID-19. CPF is a national network of volunteers which promotes and creates French Second Language learning opportunities for young people. Whether you are a parent, guardian, grandparent, teacher, student (over 18 years of age) or any other supporter of FSL education, CPF welcomes you.

Individuals can join here.  Families can join here

Current memberships which expire before March 31, 2021 are being extended by one year.

French Street

Alliance Francaise

Les samedis matins, du 10 octobre au 12 décembre, retrouvez Eudes La Roche-Francoeur et Elisabeth Dorion-Soucy pour des cours de théâtre sur la page Facebook du TfT. Les cours visant les « 6 à 9 ans » et les « 10 à 14 ans » sont diffusés cet automne sous forme de capsules vidéo de courte-durée et incluent des séries d’exercices et de démonstrations faciles à suivre et exécuter de son salon.

French for the Future

Toronto Public Library

ISE Ontario