


Listed below are a number of committee and volunteer positions. These are formed on an as needed basis and could be subject to change.


A- School Council Chair (or Co-Chairs) (Executive Position) -  

Cassandra Brown and Cecilia Carew


  • Leads the school council executive
  • Organize meetings; assist with preparing agendas; facilitate council meeting with a positive outcome
  • Consult with parents/guardians about activities (fundraisers, parent engagement, etc.)
  • Communicate with the school Principal, Vice-Principal and other TDSB staff on behalf of the council.  Solicit input from the  school community and share all information.
  • Act as a bridge between parents, TDSB and community. Facilitate the resolution of conflict
  • Adhere to the voices of the parents and encourage parents to bring their voices forward.
  • Communicate with the school Principal on behalf of the Council
  • Ensure that minutes of Council meetings are recorded and maintained


B- Secretary (Executive Position)

 Keri Hyde


  • Attend JFSC meetings (or find designate to take over meeting responsibilities)
  • Take minutes during meetings, edit and distribute to parents two weeks before the next meeting, after approval.
  • After council approval, share minutes with parents, post minutes on bulletin board/ email. 
  • Manage all internal and external e-lists/social media etc.


C- Treasurer (Executive Position) 

Elga Pari and Christina Tsai


  • Oversee budget process and meeting (fall each school year).
  • Keep the council members informed on budgetary matters.
  • Generate annual report and update parents, Principal and Vice-Principal at monthly meetings.
  • Work cooperatively with the school Administrators regarding program accounts.
  • Be available to accurately count School Council funds raised and prepare deposit slips to the school account. 

D- Parent Representatives (Elected Members) 

Sogol Shams, Meredith Weir, Jen Bloch, Thais Antonelli, Rafael Antonelli, Amber Tutt, Liga Miglane, Natasha Upal, Jin Kim, Laura Cheung, Carolyne Stafford, Shobana Ananth, Keri Hyde, Dan Voicu, Susan Shinkoda, Chris White, Christine Pinero,Vanita Bali, Priya Rampersaud, Shelly Findlay

  • A parent member/representative is considered a voting member of council. These parents should request to be included as parent members at (or prior to) the first JFSC meeting of the year. The responsibilities of parent members include the following: 
    • Attend and contribute regularly at all school council meetings
    • participate on any committees established by council
    • contribute to the discussions 
    • act as a link between the school council and community and solicit view of other parents and members of the community
    • participate in information and training
    • fulfill their duties
    • follow the operating rules/guidelines as agreed upon by council including the guidelines for resolving differences of opinion
    • encourage others within the school community to participate in the activities of the council
    • communicate with various communities in the school and work 

JFSC Committees:

1- Finance Committee: CO-CHAIRs - Elga Pari and Christina Tsai

Cassandra Brown, Cecilia Carew, Sogol Shams, Meredith Weir, Sam Jacobs, Netta Lechtman, Sia Makris, Keri Hyde, Amber Tutt, Shobana Ananth, Susan Shinkoda, Jen Bloch, Liga Miglane, Julia Norman, Natasha Upal, Laura Cheung, Holly Wykes


This committee determines HOW TO SPEND  the funds raised the prior year.  This committee, chaired by the school council treasurer, develops a draft budget for the year and assists the treasurer as needed with decisions related to the management of our finances. The budget is based on requests submitted to the Finance Committee by the administration, staff and chairs of School Council committees.  At John Fisher – our budget year is from October to September, therefore we raise money “this year” to be spent “next year”. JF parents aim to raise at least $50,000 per year through direct donations, pizza lunch, Fete, Fall (or June) Fair and other initiatives.  If you want to be part of the discussion regarding spending these funds, please consider joining the Fundraising Committee committee (see below).  

  • Low time commitment in the fall to set the budget (October-November) - typically done in 1 meeting
  • Widespread parent participation (across all grades) is helpful on this committee and any parent who wishes, may serve as part of the Finance Committee. Membership closes after the first school council meeting.  

2- Fundraising: Chairs

Cecilia Carew, Cassie Brown, Liga Miglane, Shobana Ananth, Sia Makris, Maria Aulestia, Laura Cheung, Amber Tutt, Chris White, Jay Fry


This committee plans and executes events/initiatives to raise funds to be spent next year. In other words, this committee figures out HOW TO RAISE the funds needed for JFSC to spend next year.  The Fundraising Chair oversees all JFSC fundraising activities and typically different parents lead the different initiatives. It’s important for the committee to spread events out through the year and be mindful of other school events (eg. Terry Fox) so that many requests for funds are not happening at the same time.   Given the constraints of the last 18 months, this committee will need to look at new and creative ways to raise funds as it appears as though our traditional fundraising programs won’t run (pizza and Fete).  There are lots of projects, big and small. Be a helper or lead an event; it is up to you. This is primarily a project management role. 

  • Meetings as needed - Very low to very high time commitment - depending on timing of events.


Individual Fundraising Efforts:

2A - Fete (Adult night out) : Fete Subcommittee: Seemi Rizvi


This is one of the major fundraisers at John Fisher.  An annual Fete is held for the parent community, typically at a local restaurant.  Tickets are sold in advance and typically include entrance to the Fete and appetizers.  This is a fun evening out for parents, organized by parent volunteers.  There is a silent auction of items donated by the local community which is where the bulk of the funds are raised at the Fete.. John Fisher teacher / school experiences (e.g. principal for a day, dodgeball students vs teachers etc) are also auctioned off at the Fete.

  • Meetings as needed moderate to high time commitment – 4-8 weeks leading up to Fete


2B -  Penguin Pizza program: Need Chair(s) 

This is typically our most successful fundraiser (raising over $20,000 each year)  

Our successful Penguin Pizza lunch fundraiser will return this fall.  There will be 10-15 lunches offered throughout the year, typically on Wednesdays.  The program is open to all students SK-6 is pre-paid optional program. Details will be sent home in September. New this year – sign up and payment for the pizza program will be done online.  The successful program relies on parent volunteers – it’s less than an hour of your time at lunch on pizza Wednesdays.


2C - Fall/Spring Fair:  Keri Hyde, Jen Bloch

This is our third major fundraiser – which is fun for the whole family but is really a highlight for the kids. We have inflatables, carnival food, games – and all kinds of fun – hopefully in lovely June or October weather! As much fun as it is, this Fair requires an army of volunteers. We look forward to seeing you there! 

  • This event is volunteer run – we need a lot of parents to help plan the Fair and volunteers on the day of the event.  

2D - Direct Donations Coordinator - requires Coordinator

Manage the direct donation drive. Draft a letter to parents asking families to consider donating directly to the school. Past letter available as a starting point. Update will be required to reflect current status.  Distribute letter to families via classroom teacher. Collect cheques and prepare bank deposit (excel summary of all cheques/cheque information).  


3 - Caring & Safe Schools Committee Jen Bloch, Sam Jacobs, Lindsay Van Wert

Identifies and addresses safety concerns inside and outside the school building. As needed meetings - Low to moderate time commitment - it's up to you! 


3A- The Kiss and Ride program: Needs Coordinator

Kiss and Ride is the safe drop-off program run daily on the north side of John Fisher, on Keewatin Ave. Kiss and Ride volunteers greet the vehicles as they enter the drop-off area, help the children leave the vehicle and ensure that they enter the schoolyard safely. SK students are escorted to their play area upon parent request. 

  • Commitment is flexible with a suggested minimum participation of 2 mornings per month.  MANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to support Kiss N’ Ride – please consider joining if you already drive to school even just 1 day a week.


3B- Pediculosis (lice check): Needs a coordinator. 
Works with the TDSB  public health nurse to ensure students undergo regular lice checks. TPH manages the lice checks, while the JF pediculosis chair solitics parents volunteers to assist with the program.  A great system - let's keep it going! Three lice checks a year - Moderate time commitment three times a year.  


4- Staffing: No Chair REQUIRED (Interested parents can request to be part of this committee)
A parent/guardian group of at least two parents, identified by the School Council, have the opportunity to review and understand the staff allocation numbers and projected enrolment for the school.  Please note, this committee works with admin to determine the staffing model for the school - splitting the enrolment into grades based on numbers of kids. The committee is NOT involved with determining which teacher teaches which grade and where kids are placed.  

  • Very low time commitment – April/May of the school year


5 - Graduation: CHAIRs: 

Sogol Shams, Melissa Morrow, Tina Sakr, Kevin Shannon, Ainsley Higgins, Aime Lee, Shelly Findlay, Sarah Wray, Lily Wong, Seema Rizvi, Sia Makris, Susan Shinkoda, Natasha Upal, Vanita Bali, Julia Norman, Liz Vardan, Rishma Parikh

Works with the school administration/staff to organize the grade 6 graduation at the end of the year. Parents with students in grades 5 and 6 participate on this committee to make it a great event for the kids and share knowledge for the next year. 

  • Periodic meetings – Low time commitment throughout year, higher commitment near the end of the year.


6- Welcome & Recognition: Chair: Holly Wykes

Cecilia Carew, Chris White, Christine Pinero, Jay Fry, Wendy Glauser, Gina Rim, Jen Bloch, Lauren Cheung

Traditionally organizes a school-wide Welcome Back BBQ/picnic in the fall, takes an active role in updating communication materials for new families coming to our school, hosts a staff appreciation event, ensures major events (e.g.., new staff, retirements) are recognized and takes on other initiatives to build school spirit and volunteer recognition.   Key pieces of this role:

  • Welcome to John Fisher Booklet - requires an update (and post on school website)
  • Staff Appreciation lunch - typciallyheld in the Spring
  • As needed meetings - Low to moderate time commitment - it's up to you!


7- Class Parent Representative : Need 1 volunteer for each classroom SK-6.  

Like the past couple years, Class Parent representatives will act as a liaison between the School Council and the classroom parents.  (Teachers will handle any communication to parents with respect to their classroom).   This typically involves sharing communication, soliciting assistance from parents for special events: Terry Fox, Fall/June Fair, Fete, Jump Rope, Carnaval and other activities.    Teachers will be coordinating with parents directly for anything related to the curriculum (eg. Scientist in the class), field trip volunteers or other special activities in the classroom.  Given our goal to “revive” School Council this year, this is a good way for new parents to get involved with the School Council. It’s a perk if you attend the SC meetings regularly. We encourage Class Parents to be PArent Members of the School Council.  


Past JFSC Committees 

Extra Curricular Programs (Lunch time and after school):

Longena Ng, Carolyn Stafford, Esther Ha, Oswald Junqueira

Organizes fun and interesting lunch and after-school programs in consultation with the administration, which includes a variety of activities such as Act I, Panda Mandarin and Explore It. Committee members coordinate the programs in consultation with our administration.

  • As needed meetings – Low to moderate time commitment – it’s up to you!


Green Committee: Needs a chair(s)
Dedicated to improving our school grounds and undertakes initiatives such as the gardening club, the Eco club and student projects. Environmentalists, gardeners and all interested parties welcome. 

  • Regular meetings - Very low to very high time commitment - it's up to you!


French Education Liaison:.
Helps to monitor developments in public education, especially those affecting French immersion, by attending meetings with our trustee, school superintendent, TDSB staff, and parents from other schools. Attend meetings held by French as a Second Language Advisory Committee (FSLAC) and share findings with JFSC.  Strives to keep up-to-date on key issues and to have a meaningful impact on TDSB decisions with respect to French education. Parents with backgrounds in journalism, public relations or lobbying especially welcome. As needed meetings - Low to moderate time commitment - it's up to you! Helps staff review and select performing arts groups to enrich the students' school life.  

Periodic meetings – Moderate/seasonal time commitment.

Please contact the School Council if you are interested in becoming involved with any of the committees at John Fisher or if you have any questions.