Contact Us

Telephone (416) 393-9325
Address 40 Erskine Ave
Toronto, ON
M4P 1Y2

Please make sure that you’re calling the right number when calling John Fisher. If you are getting a “Mailbox Full” message, you are likely calling the wrong line.
If your child is going to be absent or late, please call:

Safe Arrival Line before 8 am: 1-833-250-2290
For any other inquiries, call 416-393-9325


Safe Arrival Program:

The Toronto District School Board will be moving from SchoolConnects to SchoolMessenger as its automated call-out system for our Elementary Safe Arrival Program.

In accordance with the TDSB Safe Arrival policy PR707A, “If a pupil is absent or late for any reason, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must contact the school immediately to report the reason for the absence”.  For an unexplained absence, Parents/Guardians will be contacted by SchoolMessenger and must indicate the reason for the absence. If you believe you have received a call in error, please call the school office (416-393-9325) immediately and we will check for accuracy and assist with any required next steps.

The safe arrival telephone number 1-833-250-2290 will display on the caller ID.

You may wish to add this number to your contacts under “safe arrival”.

For unexplained absences, the system call-out will work as follows:

  • Parents/Guardians identified in the TDSB’s student database who have access to student records and are an emergency contact with priority 1 or 2 will receive both e-mail notification and call(s) of the unexplained absence.
  • When you receive the call, you are required to listen to the entire message and follow the prompts accordingly.
  • You will be asked if you are aware or unaware of your child’s absence.
  • If unaware, you will be asked to call the school immediately.
  • If you are aware of the absence, you will be asked to enter the reason for your child’s absence.  Reasons are the same for full day absences (new to School Messenger) or late arrival.  The following options will be provided for you:
    1. Illness
    2. Doctor Appointment
    3. Dentist Appointment
    4. Family Matter
    5. Weather
    6. Other
  • For a late arrival, you will be prompted to enter a time of arrival.  Once the child signs in at the school office, the absence will be changed to a late (provided they arrive prior to the lunch hour).
  • At the end of the message, you will have to press 2 to confirm you received the message.
  • If you do not confirm receipt, you will receive a call on other phone numbers provided, with the exception of business numbers.
  • If there is no response from a Priority 1 contact, this same process will be followed for Priority 2 contacts.
  • If there is no response from either Priority 1 or Priority 2, this entire process will be repeated 3 times in 10 minute intervals or until call-out time is over (approx. 25 mins).
  • A confirmation email will be sent to both Priority 1 and Priority 2 contacts with the reason selected by one of the Parents/Guardians.

    This same process will be followed for the afternoon attendance.

    In the evening, all Parents/Guardians of students who were late (without a reason) that day will receive a call informing them of their child’s tardiness.

    With this in mind, it is important that your contact information on file at the office is up-to-date.  Please let the office know immediately if your contact information changes at any time throughout the school year.

    We recognize that regular attendance is essential to the safety, academic success, and well-being of all students.  Thank you for your continued cooperation with keeping your child safe and accounted for.