Letter from Trustee Gershon (with link to Mitigation Plan) - May 19, 2017
Note from Trustee Gershon - May 12, 2017
Update on 18-30 Erskine Avenue Development: A Letter to John Fisher Community from Trustee Gerri Gershon (November 17)
Speaking Notes: Gerri Gershon - Meeting November 15, 2016
For further information from the TDSB on the community meetings regarding the potential redevelopment of the John Fisher site, please visit http://www.tdsb.on.ca/aboutus/strategyplanning/communityinvolvement.aspx?id=98 If you have any specific questions that you would like to see addressed here, please contact Jane Wadden or Lee-Anne Maier and we will do our best to get the answers to you.