School Council

School Council

School Council graphic

Our newly elected Council has been working on ways to improve communication and create more opportunities for parent engagement and participation.

If you are looking to get more involved in the JRR school community, share ideas, creativity and experiences, then joining a school council committee might be a great fit. The schedule is flexible and the commitment is very minimal.

We are looking for volunteers to join the following committees:

Budget:   Help determine how fundraised money will be used;

School Improvement Plan :  implement, develop and monitor school improvement actions;

Welcome, recognition and graduation ensure that new families, departing staff members, graduating students and other members of the JRR community are adequately welcomed and recognized;

Extra-Curricular Programs : implement and oversee programs like After 4 program or hot lunch program as well as the Terry Fox Run and Holiday Hampers.

Attending school council meetings are also a great way for you to stay connected with the JRR community and hear about all the academic achievements, programs and activities taking place within the school.

Please be on the lookout for our monthly email update, as well as periodic communications through the principal’s newsletter, if need be. Remember that we are here to represent you so please reach out with any concerns at

Thank you for continuing to make JRR such a special place for our kids.

Your school council


Safe and Caring School

The role of the Caring and Safe Schools committee is to identify and address safety concerns inside and

outside the school building. An existing school committee can assume this role. Time Commitment: Minimal 
MembersPrincipal Dafna Jalon, School Council Co-Chair(s), 1 parent/guardian volunteer neededOne teacher, One support staff, One community partner, School equity rep


The role of the staffing committee is to review, understand and provide input on the staff allocation numbers and projected enrollment for the school, as well as any changes or reorganizations.Time Commitment: Minimal 
Members: Principal Dafna Jalon, School Council Co-Chair(s), 2 parents/guardians volunteers needed

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

The role of the SIP committee is to develop, implement and monitor school improvement actions in line with

the Family of School Improvement Plan and the Board Improvement Plan.

Time Commitment: Minimal to Moderate

Members: Principal Dafna Jalon, School Council Co-Chair(s), 2 parents/guardians volunteers needed


 The role of the school council’s fundraising committee is to act as a liaison between the school council and the Administration and ensure representation of parents/guardians in fundraising related matters.

Time Commitment: Moderate

Members: School Council Co-Chair(s) and School Council Treasurer

Finance/Budget Committee

Regulation 612 requires schools (Principals) to consult with Parents/Guardians on school budget priorities. The objective of the finance/budget committee is to assist and advise the principal in developing the school’s expenditure plan and help determine how school-generated funds will be used. School generated funds  enhance programs and to support specific school initiatives. Examples of fundraising activities are Fun Fair, Pizza Lunches, etc. School Generated Funds should be used to complement the school budget but SHOULD NOT replace public funding for education. Example of eligible uses are: enhance existing programs and equipment, student fee subsidies, school yard enhancements, nutrition program subsidies. School Generated Funds cannot be used for core curriculum materials (e.g. textbook), facility renewal, maintenance or repairs.
Time Commitment: Minimal to moderate
Principal Dafna Jalon, School Council Co-Chair(s), School Council Treasurer, 4 parents/guardians volunteers needed

 WRG- Welcome, Recognition and Graduation Committee

The role of the WRG committee is to ensure that new families, departing staff members, graduating students and other members of the JRR community are adequately welcomed, recognized and appreciated. This is done, namely, through hosting the new family breakfast, welcome back BBQ/picnic in the fall, helping organize the Grade 6 graduation as well as through staff gifting and appreciation lunch/breakfast. The WRG also takes on other initiatives to build school spirit, community belonging and volunteer recognition. Time Commitment: Moderate to High

Welcome and Recognition: School Council Co-Chair(s), 2 parents/guardians volunteers needed, Staff gifting and appreciation: 2 parents/guardians volunteers needed

The Graduation committee is comprised of parents/guardians with students in grades 5 and 6.


The role of the communications committee is to ensure and improve communications between the school council, parent/guardians and the entire school community through various means like class parents, newsletters or the school directory. This committee includes the class parent representative, the school directory representative and other volunteers who would like to be involved in communications activities like website creation and maintenance, newsletter or social media.  

Time Commitment: Moderate to High

School Council Co-Chair(s), Class parent rep: Patricia Wong, School Directory: Hannah Boukila

Extra-Curricular Programs

The objective of the extra-curricular programs committee is to implement and oversee programs like After 4 program or hot lunch program as well as the Terry Fox Run and Holiday Hampers. Time Commitment: Moderate to High

School Council Co-Chair(s), 2 parents/guardians volunteers needed, After 4 Program: Patricia Rabel-Jeudy

John Ross Robertson J.P.S. School Council Positions     


Co-Chair Stephanie Otou
Co-Chair  Cindy Fraser
Secretary Hannah Boukila 
Treasurer Lauren Hayes 
  Cindy Gross
  Patricia Rabel Jeudy
Principal Dafna Jalon
Teaching Staff Members Gail McGregor and Jennifer Kassel


Upcoming School Council Meetings