FAQs and Information About School Routines

Dear families,
Welcome to Kingslake Public School!
We encourage families to walk, bike or take transit to school, but in circumstances where you must drive your child/children to school, please park your vehicle in the safe areas indicated in our Kingslake Parking Guide document and walk your child/children to their entry doors.
Our school’s entry time is 8:40 a.m. with kids lined up for entry at their assigned doors
Masks – The TDSB continues to be a mask-friendly environment inclusive of all staff and students. While the Ministry of Education and public health officials are not mandating the use of masks, Toronto Public Health strongly recommends wearing a well-fitting, high-quality mask, especially in indoor public settings. The TDSB will continue to provide medical masks for staff and students who request them.
TDSB schools will continue to be mask-friendly environments. Masks will still be available to both staff and students upon request. Classroom environments will be inclusive of all students.
Dismissal time is at 3:15 p.m. Your child will be waiting for you inside their entry/exit door, unless they are older students who have permission to go home on their own. To ensure a ‘safe’ hand off, please stand far back away from the entry/exit doors and the teacher will let students out a few at a time. If it is your child please wave to the teacher and they will ask the child for verification before sending the child out to you. We appreciate families arriving on time at pick up. If there is an emergency or change of pick up arrangements, please notify the office as soon as possible. After 3:25, students will be in the office waiting for their pick up person.
Additional FAQ’s and information about routines for this year:
Should my child wear a mask to school in the mornings? If your family chooses to continue this procedure, YES. Students are also asked to wear a small waist pouch or fanny pack in which to hold their mask when they need to take it off during lunch time and outdoor activities, and to carry extra masks. Note - the school will provide your child a mask if required.
Will we be using the Student Agendas this year to communicate with our child’s teacher? Yes, we’ve decided to use the Agendas again. Your child's classroom teachers will have more information for you regarding the purchase of the agendas.
How will I be able to communicate with my child’s teacher? Your child’s teacher will communicate with you mostly via email. Be sure to check all of your emails from your child’s teacher, the school and the TDSB, so that you can regularly receive updates and information about changes. If you’d like to have a phone conversation, please call the school 416-395-2610 and we’ll take the message for them to call you, or you can email your child’s teacher. It is crucial that the school and your child’s teacher is notified of any email changes throughout the year to ensure you receive all important updates.
What if my child is LATE in arriving one morning? If your child is late and his/her class has already gone inside the school, please bring him/her to the front of the school and ring the bell.
Can I continue to bring my child his/her lunch every day? We respectfully request that you prepare a NUT FREE lunch for your child to bring it in a lunch bag every day. Should you wish to take out your child for lunch, you may do so by calling to inform the school first so that we can make arrangements for your child to meet you at the front doors. Upon your child’s return at 12:30 p.m. please ring the front door bell for entry.
What are the snack time and lunch time eating routines? Lunch (must be NUT FREE) will be eaten in the GYM this year, for the first or last 20 minutes of the lunch period (11:30-12:30). Students will remain at their assigned tables to eat and tidy up after they are finished to keep the lunch area clean.
Snack times will be allocated according to your child's classroom teacher and schedule. Snack time is usually before or during recess, twice a day, in the morning and the afternoon. Your child's teacher may wish to have snacks outdoors or indoors, depending on the needs of the class.
If your child's classroom teacher wishes for an indoor snack, the same eating protocols will be followed as lunch time eating. Please ensure that there are NO NUTS in any of the food sent to the school. Sharing of food is prohibited due to safety concerns. Snacks are to be litterless. healthy and enclosed in a container separate from their lunch box.
For outdoor snack time, students are encouraged to bring healthy nut-free snacks such as fruits, vegetables, cheese, crackers, etc. We ask that each student wear a pouch or fanny pack around their waist during recess time so they can store their masks while they eat. We also ask that you pack snacks in reusable plastic containers which are small enough to fit inside their pouch or fanny pack to help students keep their belongings with them and not lose them. Any disposable snack wrapping will be sent home in the student’s pouch.
What else does my child need to bring to school? Students should bring all they need in a backpack with their name on it. Please label all personal items with your child’s name to avoid confusion.
1. A reusable water bottle will be needed as drinking fountains are only for refilling.
2. A set of extra clothes may also be needed, especially for outdoor gym activities.
3. A pair of indoor shoes to keep at school.
4. Personal stationary (markers, pencils, pencil crayons, pencil case) is not required but if it is brought to school, these materials will remain at the school. The school will provide all of these supplies.
5. Hand sanitizer will NOT be required as it will be provided.
Should you have any further questions or require further assistance, please call the school.