School councils are an excellent way for parents to get involved in their child's education. Our school will have either an elected or acclaimed school council this year, depending upon the number of parents/guardians that are interested in being a part of the council this year. Please check our School Council Meetings & Minutes page for the meeting dates, agendas and notes from our past meetings.
The School Council is an important forum for involving all members of the school community to discuss issues that affect the education of our students. The school council is made up of an elected or acclaimed committee of parents/guardians, staff, student representatives, appointed community members, and the principal.
All monthly or bi-monthly meetings are open to all parents and guardians wishing to attend these meetings, however only formally appointed or elected Council members are permitted to vote. The input and voice of all parents/guardians are welcome!
The school council usually meets once a month or once every other month at 6:00 p.m. Parents and guardians are informed about these meetings in a variety of ways including signage at the front of the school, monthly newsletters, or School Connects emails. If the meetings are at the school, child-minding is also provided to ensure that all families can attend. For the time being, our meetings are held virtually through Zoom.
Our School Council Nomination package is usually sent out the first week of September for all parents/guardians to consider participating on our School Council this year. Please note that those wishing to participate this year must fill out and return the Nomination Form to the school office by the set due date. If there are more than 11 nomination forms received by that time, a School Council Election will be held as part of our first School Council meeting. At that meeting, the executive roles will be determined by the acclamation or election by the current School Council members.
In June 2019, the School Council voted to accept our new Kingslake P.S. School Council By-Laws. This document and our School Council Code of Ethics will help to provide a structure and process from which to continue building the work of our School Council. Meet our School Council Chair for 2021-22 along with the current executive members.