On Thursday October 14, 2021, Kingslake P.S. held School Council Elections for the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you to those parents/guardians, staff and School Settlement Worker who attended the meeting. We'd like to mention a very special thank you to last year's outgoing School Council Chair, Mrs. Fely Beck. Her leadership during this challenging year was greatly appreciated and we look forward to her continued support and participation this year.
I am happy to announce that our School Council Chair for the 2021-2022 year was acclaimed at our October 14th Elections meeting. Mrs. Amy Brown-Coleman will once again serve as our School Council Chair. Over the past 4 years, Mrs. Brown-Coleman served in various positions on our School Council, including the roles of Co-Chair (2 years) and Secretary (2 years). Her passion, dedication and commitment to serving our school community has cultivated a healthy and thriving partnership with our school. We look forward to be once again working together with Mrs. Brown-Coleman.

Parents/Guardians, please be sure to introduce yourself to Mrs. Brown-Coleman when you see her in the mornings or afternoons, picking up her daughter from school. She is looking forward to connecting with all of our families and listening to your concerns/ideas. Her role is to represent all of our Kingslake families so be sure to connect.
Please note that all parents/guardians are invited to attend our School Council meetings throughout the year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions these meetings will be conducted virtually through Zoom. These meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. and we hope to see many of you in attendance.
This year, our Staff Representative on the Council will be Ms. Sarah Armstrong, our grade 3 teacher. She has kindly offered to help in the role of secretary for these meetings, as this School Council Secretary position is currently unfilled. If there are any parents/guardians willing to help with this responsibility for these meetings, then please speak to Ms. Brown-Coleman or email her at Amy.Brown-Coleman@tdsb.on.ca. You can also call the principal, Boris Stoikos at 416-395-2610 for more information. Thanks kindly for your consideration.
The School Council Community Representative for this year will be our new School Settlement Worker, Mrs. Anjali Dhanesh. Mrs. Dhanesh will be providing a short presentation at each meeting, sharing with parents the most current community events and timely information. You will not want to miss out on these rich resources, especially if you are new to our school community.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next School Council Meeting.