Remembrance Day 2023 - This year marks the 75th anniversary of Canada's peacekeeping role in the world, and all aspects of our commemoration reflected this anniversary. A series of three dramatic pieces based on the assignments of grade 10 history students, original poetry from the Young Writers Club, an acoustic rendition of Highway of Heroes by the guitar class, an overview of peacekeeping missions past and present, a tribute to Canada's fallen peacekeepers, a woodwind & brass rendition of Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace), and a choir ensemble that ended the assembly with John Lennon's Imagine provided a moving tribute to such an important day. Congratulations to all the students involved in making this year's assembly such a success!
Black History Month 2020 - We celebrated Black History Month throughout the month of February with weekly events ranging from an African drumming workshop to discussing documentaries about racism and identity and the civil rights movement to hearing a spoken word artist share his insights about the importance of Black History Month.
Remembrance Day 2018 - Congratulations to all the actors, musicians, vocalists, dancers, and
stage crew members who honoured those who have served and fallen on
the 100th anniversary of the Armistice. We remember. Lest we forget.
Remembering the Holocaust and Residential Schools - Grade 10 Canadian History students had the opportunity to learn about the personal stories of Holocaust and Residential School survivors, Nate Leipciger and Theodore Fontaine. Our students read and discussed Nate's memoir, created a time capsule and museum exhibit to showcase their learning, interacted with both survivors, and displayed their work for other students from schools across the TDSB and for audiences at a public event at the AGO. Throughout this journey, our students demonstrated and reflected on their learning in profound and meaningful ways. Student work was also featured online through Facing History and Ourselves' Creating Meaningful Responses to Memoir and Engaging in Reciprocity.