Norway Junior Public School

Family Update - March 5

It was wonderful to see the contributions of so many students to the Black History Month assembly last Friday. Room 208 and 205 did a wonderful job of singing and dancing to the Zimbabwean/South African song, Shosholoza. A special thank you to Ms. Piloya, Mr. Dennis and Ms. Tiller for your hard work in organizing the assembly. Thank you for bringing dancing, fun and joy to the Norway community to celebrate the last day of Black History Month. Here are some slides of some of the work students have done!

Upcoming events of note are 1) Jump Rope for Heart (more below), 2) March Break (all next week - no school) and 3) Pizza Lunch is tomorrow! 

Greek Heritage Month at the TDSB - March 2025

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to recognize Greek Heritage Month during the month of March. This heritage is also celebrated across the Province of Ontario since 2019 with the implementation of the Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019. This year marks the 10th year of recognizing GHM in the TDSB and for this reason, our theme for this year is:  Odyssey - A Decade of Celebrating Greek Heritage Month.

Jump Rope for Heart

We are kicking off our Jump Rope for Heart work in P.E. class this week! Our kick off assembly will be held this Friday, March 7 at 12:30 pm. Help us reach our $2000 fundraising goal for the Heart & Stroke Foundation by donating here. To celebrate our students' achievements, we will be hosting a Jump Rope Performance on our Event Day, Friday, April 11, at 12:30 pm. Parents are encouraged to come out and watch. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Brace at

Guides for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers Video Series

Special Education and Inclusion is excited to share our Guides for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers video series. These videos provide an overview of our Guides to Special Education, designed to help families understand the programs, services, and supports available to students. From learning about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to navigating the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process, these resources are here to support you every step of the way. We also encourage you to explore the full guides on the Special Education and Inclusion Website, where you will find additional Special Education resources for families. Learn more and watch

Special Education and Inclusion Drop-in Sessions for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers

Occupational Therapy / Physiotherapy Services will host two virtual question and answer sessions this month: Tuesday, March 18 and Wednesday, March 20. Calendar of Drop-In Sessions for the 2024-2025 School Year.

High Water Levels Brings Increased Risks

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority monitors hazardous ice conditions as thaw begins and are reminding everyone to be very careful around all bodies of water. The first hint of warming weather and the promise of spring thaw can bring extreme danger to the shores and surfaces of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, according to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. As warmer temperatures arrive, stream banks become increasingly slippery and unstable. Lake and river ice weakens, becoming thinner or with higher flows breaking with little or no warning.

During this time, the potential for flooding and ice jamming is high. Higher, faster-flowing water and extreme cold temperatures combine to create increased dangers on or near rivers, streams and ponds for people wishing to enjoy the seasonal changes. Parents and caregivers are being asked to keep children away from stream banks, ponds and lakes.

Upcoming Events and Important Dates

  • March 6 - Pizza Lunch
  • March 10-14 - March Break
  • March 20 - Lice Check
  • March 26-28 - Grade 6 Trip to Mono Cliffs