Norway Junior Public School

Family Update - September 11

There was a lot of excitement, and no shortage of nerves these past few days as a new school year began. Norway staff and students have been focussing on building a strong sense of community within the classrooms and learning environments. Teachers will continue to foster a positive and inclusive classroom and school community throughout the school year. This school year, we are using the Seven Grandfather Teachings as a way to deliver character education and address some of the learning skills of Norway students. The Seven Teachings are used by many First Nations as a way to lead a good life. They are Love, Truth, Wisdom, Humility, Respect, Courage and Honesty. A poster with these seven universal traits on them is posted in every teaching space in the school to create a common reference point. Throughout the school year, we will be highlighting these traits and sharing some of the work students are doing around the teachings. 

Parents, guardians, and caregivers play a crucial role in the lives of students at Norway. School Council is actively looking for volunteers and those interested in taking on broader roles in School Council. A number of events have been planned for the school year, including  tomorrow's Welcome Back Pizza Party (see below) and an upcoming School Council meeting and election on Monday, October 7. 

I look forward to seeing many of you over the coming weeks in the school yard and getting to know new families in the Norway school community. 

Welcome Back Pizza Party

This Thursday after school, School Council is organizing a  Welcome Back Pizza Party. Many of you have already signed up and I hope more will come out.  Bring your families! To help Council with numbers of pizzas, please complete this form. Here are the specifics ...

  • When: Thursday September 12
  • Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
  • Where: Norway School Yard
  • What: FREE slice of pizza per person, dance party, and a chance to meet and connect with Norway families. Bring your own snacks/drinks. 

News from Norway Library

James (aka Mr. Bowen), Norway's Teacher Librarian and a member of the Special Education Team, has created a Library Newsletter highlighting some of the amazing things happening at Norway's library. You can read more here!

News from Norway Library

News from Norway Library Welcome back to another exciting school year. My name is James (aka Mr. Bowen), I am the librarian and a member of the Special Education Team at Norway. I am looking forward to trying a few different strategies this year! Primary and Junior Checkout Blocks - on...

School Website

The Norway School Website has been updated and will be a go to site for all kinds of information. Family Updates will be posted on the main page, events and important dates will be shared on the School Calendar page, and the morning announcements are posted and can be viewed on the Daily Announcements page. I invite you to check out the page here -

Dogs are Not Allowed on School Property

An important reminder that dogs are not permitted on TDSB property, even if they are on a leash. Please tie your dog somewhere outside the school perimeter if you must bring your dog with you when you accompany your children to and from school. Exceptions to this policy include service dogs supporting students or caregivers. Families with a service dog should speak with the school administration.

There are a few off leash dog parks a short distance from Norway. The closest Dog Off-Leash Areas are Cassels Avenue Playground (link) at 69 Cassels Avenue, Wildwood Crescent Playground (link) at 110 Wildwood Crescent, and Norwood Park (link) at 16 Norwood Park Road.

A recent incident at a TDSB school, makes this message more timely. Our hope is that, with the support of all members of the community, we can continue to keep the Norway school yard a safe and welcoming space for all in the school community. Feel free to share this message with community members outside of the school community. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

School Forms

There are a number of important forms at the beginning of each school year for parents and guardians to complete. Some of these forms will be done through Power School, and some are sent home in paper form. School Council will be sharing their own forms for communication purposes, and you will receive the occasional SchoolCashOnline notification. While it is sometimes difficult to keep track of these, it is important that they are completed and submitted in the timely manner. For your convenience, here is a helpful flyer to explain how SchoolCashOnline works.

Pollinator Garden Volunteers

Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped to keep the garden alive and healthy this summer!  - Charryse Souza, Sue Knight, Alae Hatoum, Sharon Morgan, Marina Ryazantseva, Chelsie Stone, Laura Federico, Julie Blair Lock, Cara Heath, and Jing Howard. This passionate team of parents dedicated their time over the summer months to help water and maintain the garden beds. Thanks to their efforts, the garden continues to thrive! If you haven't already, please stop by our beautiful raised garden beds and take a look at all of the plant life growing! In the spring of 2023, we were able to add 104 native plants to our school garden. Each species was carefully chosen and arranged in the garden to allow for continuous bloom to provide food, resting, and nesting during all seasons for our native pollinators.

Community Coaches Meetings

Parent/Guardians and/or community members (non-TDSB) who are interested in assisting with coaching school sports this early fall season, must attend a Community Coaches' session to receive a TDESAA Community Coach card. The purpose of this meeting is to become familiar with the TDESAA code of conduct for coaches and the TDESAA's philosophy of sport. For more information, visit the TDESAA website. Please see the upcoming virtual meeting details below. 

  1. Thursday September 12th @ 4:00PM - Presenter: Eric Halen – TDESAA District President  -  Microsoft Teams Meeting Link
  2. Thursday September 19th @ 12:00PM - Presenter: Kevin Dunn & Katherine Landell – Centrally Assigned HPE Lead Teachers  -  Microsoft Teams Meeting Link

A Message from Norway Council

The Norway Council has its own mailing list for communications regarding Council activities and other events happening in the community. Lots of important information is shared, so it would be great to have everyone in the Norway Community subscribed!

  • Not on the Council Mailing List yet? Join now.
  • IMPORTANT COUNCIL FORMS:  It is important that all families complete the Council Forms.  These formas have information about Pizza Lunch and ways to get involved in the school.  Please complete these forms by Friday September 22nd - COUNCIL FORM
  • Have questions, email us at

TDSB Ward 16 School Trustee, Michelle Aarts

TDSB Ward 16 School Trustee, Michelle Aarts, puts together a highly informative newsletter each month or so throughout the school year. To receive Trustee Aarts’ newsletters, please sign up here.

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

  • September 12 – Welcome Back Pizza Party - 4:30-6:00 pm
  • September 24 – School Photo Day
  • September 27 - PA Day (Professional Development) 
  • September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
  • October 2 - Lice Check
  • October 7 - School Council Meeting and Election - 4:30-6:00 pm
  • October 10 – Terry Fox Run
  • October 11 - PA Day (Professional Development)
  • October 17 - Pizza Lunch #1
  • October 25 - Halloween Dance - 5:00-7:00 pm

Curriculum Night date to be determined (likely early October)

Family Update - September 1st

Dear Norway Families,

I hope everyone had some time this summer to relax with family and friends, and that your children are excited to return to school, reunite with old friends and make new ones. I am excited to start my second year as Principal at Norway and continue to serve the Norway school community. I have come to know it as an engaged and vibrant school community and look forward to building even stronger relationships. There are a number of opportunities in the next few weeks for families to gather and build community, including School Council events and meetings (see below), and the upcoming Curriculum Night (date to be determined).

The following highlights some of the key information families need to know as we begin the 2024-25 school year. I will be providing important updates, on a regular basis, throughout the school year. On behalf of the staff at Norway, we look forward to welcoming your child(ren) on Tuesday for a year of great learning and growth!

Joel Krentz, Principal

Norway Basics …

  • The school day for Grades 1-6 students starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:15.
  • For Kindergarten students, the school day starts at 8:55 and finish at 3:05.
  • Lunch is from 11:30 to 12:30. Kindergarten students eat in their classrooms, and Grades 1-6 students eat in the gymnasium.
  • Students from Grade 1-6 will have two 15-minute recess breaks, one in the morning at 10:05 and one in the afternoon at 1:50. Kindergarten classes will have a schedule for daily, outdoor play and exploration.
  • Families with Kindergarten students can view the Welcome to Kindergarten presentation from last May, here.
  • You can find the school daily timetable here and below.
  • Norway’s school year calendar works on a 5-day cycle. You can access the calendar here.

First Day Procedures

School starts at 8:45 for Grades 1-6 students, and at 8:55 for Kindergarten students. On the first day of school, staff will be outside in the school yard to help students and their families locate their classroom teacher. Grades 1-6 students will meet on the pavement between the upper field and the school building. Along with classroom numbers on the pavement (same as the past school year), pylons with classroom numbers and teachers’ names will help you find your child’s meeting spot in the yard. Please note that Kindergarten students and families will meet their teachers in the Kindergarten play outdoor learning areas. Classes will take a little longer than usual to get into the building on the first day, but this gives students a chance to catch up and get to know one another and is all part of the excitement! 

School Daily Timetable

Lunch and Snacks

Students are asked to pack a boomerang lunch everyday, along with snacks for snack breaks (our own snack program will not start up on the first day of school). Students should also bring a clearly labelled, refillable water bottle for use during the school day. We expect all students to stay at school during lunch on the first day of school, unless being picked up by an adult. Grade 6 students (only) will receive a lunch permission form on the first day of school from me. Parents/guardians can give permission for their child in Grade 6 to go home for lunch, and indicate which days, by completing and signing the form and returning it to their child’s teacher. Throughout the school year, if there is a day when your child needs to be picked up to go home for lunch, please inform the teacher, and provide a note for Kim in the school office. You can also email Kim at

Allergies and Medical Concerns

Our policy on allergens including nuts, and particularly peanuts, is that we ask families to avoid sending their child with any of the main food allergens, and to adhere to classroom restrictions based on individual allergies in your child’s classroom. While we cannot guarantee a nut free environment, the school, and each teacher, will make sure that this information is shared with all families. If your child has any specific allergies, please inform the classroom teacher, and call the school office and speak with Kim Grasby to inform her as well. She will ensure that this information is reflected in your child’s record. She can also provide more information on the storage of extra epi-pens, as well as inhalers, for your child.

School Supplies

Classrooms will have the basic supplies your child needs to start the school year off. Your child’s teacher will be able to provide a more detailed list of supplies your child might be using during the school year, but there is not an immediate need to go out and buy everything. Your child’s teacher will share more during the first week of school. The one item that is necessary is a backpack. It should be large enough to accommodate your child’s lunch, water bottle, and some notebooks or folders. Indoor shoes will also be important as they will be used daily for gym classes and be necessary for rainy and snowy days.

Cell Phone Policy

As you may have heard, a new Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools policy was mandated by the Provincial Government and adopted by the TDSB. Some of our Junior students have their own cell phone or smart watch, primarily so that they can communicate with their families and let them know that they’ve arrived safely at school or home. While we appreciate the need for students to connect with their families, cell phones will not be allowed to be used during the school day and should be turned off and out of sight. This is in line with the new Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools policy that was mandated by the provincial government and adopted by the TDSB. You can read more about the new policy here. If there is a need for your child to contact you, or you to contact your child, Kim in the school office will be happy to accommodate a call or relay a message. We ask that you speak with your child about this to ensure that they use these devices at appropriate times and in appropriate ways.

The new Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools policy will involve a cultural shift in how students, parents, and guardians use technology. It will take some time, patience, and family support. In the end, it is about supporting the positive mental health and well-being of students and enhancing their focus on learning.

Dressing for weather

Students at Norway spend upwards of 90 minutes outside every day. Students are going to be outside as much as possible this school year for recess and lunch, even in normal rain. This means that indoor recesses will be limited to extreme weather events. These only include a) lasting, torrential rain, b) temperatures below -25 Celsius, and c) lightning. As the temperature fluctuates from season to season, we ask that you properly prepare your child(ren) to be outside in all weather conditions. A rain jacket, sweater or fleece, umbrella, rain boots, and change of shoes are all things you can consider when planning for the next day's weather conditions. As you might imagine, our youngest students in Kindergarten and grade 1 are most prepared for all weather conditions, while the older students the least prepared. Please help your child(ren) to understand the importance of staying warm and dry during extended outdoor times particularly in late fall, winter, and early spring. When there is heavy rain forecast, we will be monitoring the conditions carefully. If we deem the rain to be torrential, we have a plan in place to accommodate students in a safe and supervised way inside the school.

Norway School Council Welcome and Update

The Norway Council has its own mailing list for communications regarding Council activities and other events happening in the community. Lots of important information is shared, so it would be great to have everyone in the Norway Community subscribed!

Not on the Council Mailing List yet? Join now.

IMPORTANT COUNCIL FORMS:  It is important that all families complete the Council Forms. These forms have information about Pizza Lunch and ways to get involved in the school. Please complete these forms by Friday September 22nd - COUNCIL FORM

SAVE THE DATE: Join us on Thursday September 12th from 4:30pm - 6pm for a Pizza and Dance Party. Pizza will be provided by the council, but feel free to bring a picnic and join in the dancing in the school yard. A great opportunity to meet other families in the school and learn more about Council.

Have questions, email us at