Grade 8 to 9 High School Transitions Information
Applications for Out of Area admissions are OPEN.
This is if your child would like to apply to a regular program that is not their designated school.
The school must be listed as 'Open' or 'Limited'.
If a school indicates 'Limited (Siblings)', there must be an older sibling that currently attends that school.
Find out a school's status here (go to the bottom and click "All"):
You can apply through here:
Out of Area Admissions Application
Fri. Jan. 26th by 4 p.m.
Applications will not be accepted after that.
A Grade 8 student will offiicially register for their high school through their course selections on MyBlueprint.
Some Important Dates:
Feb. 5th: Course Selections open
The week of Feb. 12th: Students will work with Ms. Chang to pick their courses.
By Feb. 19th: Students will submit their courses to the high school they will be attending in Sept. 2024.
**Please note: After the courses are submitted, the students will not be able to make any edits.
They will have to contact the high school with any changes.
By Feb. 21st: Final date for Parents/Guardians to approve student course selections.
Feb. 24th: All course selections will be submitted and approved.
Please email Ms. Chang at if you have any questions.