NEW UPDATE (as of Feb. 27, 2024)
Final offers for Centralized Student Interest Programs and Out of Area Admission have been made.
All course selections have been submitted!
Grad Photos will take place on March 27th
Class of 2024 students should wear a white dress shirt, if possible.

Applications for Out of Area admissions are NOW CLOSED.
This is if your child would like to apply to a regular program that is not their designated school.
The school must be listed as 'Open' or 'Limited'.
If a school indicates 'Limited (Siblings)', there must be an older sibling that currently attends that school.
Find out a school's status here (go to the bottom and click "All"):
You can apply through here:
Out of Area Admissions Application
Fri. Jan. 26th by 4 p.m.
Applications will not be accepted after that.
A Grade 8 student will offiicially register for their high school through their course selections on MyBlueprint.
Some Important Dates:
Feb. 5th: Course Selections open
The week of Feb. 12th: Students will work with Ms. Chang to pick their courses.
By Feb. 19th: Students will submit their courses to the high school they will be attending in Sept. 2024.
**Please note: After the courses are submitted, the students will not be able to make any edits.
They will have to contact the high school with any changes.
By Feb. 21st: Final date for Parents/Guardians to approve student course selections.
Feb. 24th: All course selections will be submitted and approved.
Please email Ms. Chang at lucy.chan@tdsb.on.ca if you have any questions.

Here is Ms. Chang's Tutorial on how to access and apply to the Central Student Interest Programs:
Central Student Interest Program Application Process (slide deck that was presented in class)
CSIP Application and Admissions Webpage and Information
Central Student Interest Program Application FAQs / Support Document
There will be TDSB online support on November 22nd from 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Upcoming High School Open Houses
The following are schools that many of our students often apply to:
High School
Nov 20
RH King
Nov 21
Leadership Focus
Monarch Park
Nov 22
Regular and IB Program
East York
Dec 4
Regular and French Immersion
Dec 5
Regular Program

NEW! The Central Student Interest Application Link is Open.
Please click here to access it:
Central Student Interest Program (CSIP) Application
Look for this icon and click to create an account.

Please find the links / recordings to the TDSB webinars:
Central Student Interest Program Application
Grade 8 to 9 High School Transitions
(Everything You Would Like to Know About High School.)
Here are the presentation slides:
Centralized Student Interest Programs Webinar Slides from Nov. 2nd
Centralized Student Interest Programs - Webinar Links

Important Dates
Please see further below for OPEN HOUSE dates and times.
November 24th - Centralized Student Interest Program Application CLOSES BY 4 PM
Please note - the application is NOT by first come, first served. You just need to get the application completed and submitted by the 24th at 4pm.
November 6th - Centralized Student Interest Program Application Opens (see above for the link)
November 2nd- TDSB Student Interest Program Information Session for Grade 8 Families
November 1st - TDSB Grade 8 to 9 Transition Information Session for Grade 8 Families
October 23rd @ 6:30 p.m. - RH High School Information Session for Regent Heights' Families
Links to the webinar will be shared here and the RH Grade 8 to 9 Transition Google Classroom upon receipt.
The recordings to the TDSB webinars will be posted sometime this week upon receipt.

Grade 8 Families
Please join us after Curriculum Night on:
Monday, October 23rd
from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
In the library
To learn more and ask questions about your child's high school process
Here is the presentation from the Information Session.
Thank you for joining us!
Regent Heights P.S. - Grade 8 to 9 High School Transition Information Session
(Please click the link for the presentation.)

Interested in a certain high school or Student Interest Program, i.e. MaST, IB?
It is recommended that you and your child attend the high school's OPEN HOUSE to see and learn more about the school and school community.
Here is a list of OPEN HOUSES schools that many of our RH Grade 8 students are usually interested:
- Danforth Tech (MaST ONLY) Nov. 6th @ 7-9 pm
- Birchmount C.I. (EA) Nov. 7th @ 6-8 pm
- Marc Garneau (MST) Nov. 7th @ 6:30-8 pm
- Victoria Park (IB) Nov. 8th @ 6-8 pm
- Bloor Collegiate (MST) Nov. 8 @ 6-8 pm
- Don Mills C.I (Arts) Nov. 8 @ 6-8 pm
- Rosedale (Arts) Nov. 9th @ 6:15-9 pm
- Ursula Franklin Academy (IT) Nov. 14th @ 5-8 pm
- SATEC (STEAM) Nov. 16th @ 6-8:30 pm
- Wexford CI (Arts) Nov. 20th @ 6-8 pm (6 pm Visual Arts; 7pm Performing Arts)
- RH King (LEAD) Nov. 21st @ 5:30-7:30 pm
- Monarch Park CI Nov. 22nd @ 6-8 pm
- East York CI Dec. 4th @ 6:30-8:30 pm
- Danforth Tech (Regular) Dec. 5th @ 7-8:30 pm

TDSB HIgh School Beyond 8
Review the Beyond 8 Choices materials.
Secondary Schools' Open House Dates and Times
Learn more about specific schools by attending their OPEN HOUSES.
TDSB Secondary School Student Interest Programs
This page is continously being updated. Students should review this page if interested in applying for a Student Interest Program, such as MaST, TOPS, Arts.
TDSB Out of Area Admissions
For students interested in applying for a school that is outside of their district (not their designated / home school)
Updated on November 20, 2023