Reminders for Kindergarten 
As the cold weather approaches, please help your child get ready for school by practicing:
- zipping zippers and buttoning buttons on jackets
- taking off and putting on boots
- putting on mittens (mittens are warmer than gloves)
- putting on snowpants
The children should be able to dress themselves independently for outdoor play. Thank you!
Learning Letters - What you can do at home with your child
Look for
letters on
signs and
packages, and in
newspapers and
Talk about
words that start with these letters.
printing these letters using a
thick pencil,
marker, or
finger in water or sand.
Look at letters and words in your
first language (Urdu, Bengali, Arabic, etc.).
Click below for information on full day kindergarten!
Full Day Kindergarten.docx
Immunization resources are available at