Where can I look for updates as the school year unfolds?
We expect that there will be updates as the school year unfolds. Please check this Regent Heights' website for new information.
Due to staggered entry, my child is to start school on Wednesday, can my child stay for the rest of the week?
Yes, your staggered entry date is the first day of school for your child. From that day on, as long as your child is well, they can attend every day.
Due to staggered entry, my children are starting school on different days, can I send all my children on the same day?
No, please send your child on their scheduled day. This is to allow for the safest re-entry possible. We thank you for supporting us in prioritizing safety.
I’m concerned for my child’s mental health or well-being, what should I do?
Contact the school or your classroom teacher.
What if I forget to pack my child’s lunch?
Please get into the routine of ensuring your child has a litterless lunch. We will not be able to accept any lunches during the school day. If there is an emergency, you will need to arrive at the front door, wait for a staff member and follow safety protocols.
What if it is raining outside at drop off time? (heavy rain/thunder/lightning/strong winds plan)
Student safety through social distancing is a priority in our safe return to school plan. We are encouraging families to check on the weather before leaving home and to dress to be outside during safe, socially distanced school entry and pick up. In severe weather in the morning please meet as close as possible to the school start day. At the end of the day, the classes will be dismissed individually.
Can I pick up my child for lunch or appointments?
We are strongly suggesting that families arrange their days, so that movement through the school is minimized to the highest degree possible. It is our hope that all families send their children to school with lunch, snacks and 2 filled water bottles and that children remain in school for the whole day.
If a child must leave at lunch time, expect that you may be waiting longer than usual for your child to safely exit their classroom and meet you at the door. Also note that lunch times will differ to last year in your child’s class.
If your child has a check up or appointment, please consider scheduling this outside of school hours.
If you arrive at school late due to an appointment, you should accompany your child to the main school entrance. Your child will be screened and asked to sanitize their hands and put on a mask. Be prepared to say goodbye to your child at the door. Expect that there may be some delays in the entrance process, your patience is appreciated.
What happens if my child’s teacher is absent from school?
As in previous school years, an occasional teacher will be contacted to fill the position. Occasional teachers will be expected to provide evidence of an at home Covid 19 screening. Occasional teachers will be screened upon entering the building, will sanitize their hands and will be provided with a medical grade mask and face shield. Covid 19 safety protocols will be communicated to all occasional teachers upon entering the building.
Updated on September 11, 2020